AtlasOfLivingAustralia / ala-namematching-service

Service for ALA name matching to aid pipelines integration
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Return name authority in search results #51

Open nickdos opened 2 years ago

nickdos commented 2 years ago

This is a feature request - to have a JSON attribute in the search results that shows the name authority or source for a given name.

E.g. "name source": "AFD" or it could be a URI to ensure uniqueness.

The rationale for this feature is ARGA would like to add a flag on records that are from official Australian sources, like AFD, APNI, APC and FungiMap.

I realise I can do this by inferring it from the matched "taxonConceptID": "", but having a dedicated field would be nicer.

nickdos commented 2 years ago

An example where the identifier has no hint about its source is AusFungi identifiers. E.g. 5ef5c670-bf54-4cfc-9e39-5a1c56e02617 ->

When I see this identifier out of context from a species page, there is no way to determine where the source of this name is from -> see

  "success": true,
  "scientificName": "Clitocybe odora",
  "scientificNameAuthorship": "(Bull.) P.Kumm.",
  "taxonConceptID": "5ef5c670-bf54-4cfc-9e39-5a1c56e02617",
  "rank": "species",
  "rankID": 7000,
  "lft": 788535,
  "rgt": 788535,
  "matchType": "exactMatch",
  "nameType": "SCIENTIFIC",
  "kingdom": "Fungi",
  "kingdomID": "",
  "phylum": "Basidiomycota",
  "phylumID": "",
  "classs": "Agaricomycetes",
  "classID": "",
  "order": "Agaricales",
  "orderID": "",
  "family": "Tricholomataceae",
  "familyID": "",
  "genus": "Clitocybe",
  "genusID": "",
  "species": "Clitocybe odora",
  "speciesID": "5ef5c670-bf54-4cfc-9e39-5a1c56e02617",
  "speciesGroup": [
  "speciesSubgroup": [
  "issues": [