AtlasOfLivingAustralia / ala-wordpress-theme

WordPress theme for Atlas main site.
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ALA partner page needs updating #12

Open HannahScott1 opened 7 years ago

HannahScott1 commented 7 years ago

Hi @aatteia and @RobinaSanderson Just realised that the partner page still needs updating- see bottom of this page- I think we agreed that a list of partners with links to their website was better than logos as this is too difficult to maintain.
I'll get the list together (it will need to be checked off by a few people), but in the meantime can we remove this?

RobinaSanderson commented 7 years ago

Hi Hannah So to be clear, you'd like to remove the View our Partners button (call to action) from the "Who we are" ( until the linked page ( is updated.


Do you need the Atlas Partners page removed? As well as the call to action removed.

aatteia commented 7 years ago

Hi @HannahScott1, as we are not going to launch until we get the appropriate approvals, we should have a week up our sleeves. In that time, I will mock something up for the partners page with the aim of it being ready for next week.

HannahScott1 commented 7 years ago

Thanks @aatteia that would be wonderful! In the meantime, can you also please remove the button to the partner page from the "Who we are" (". @RobinaSanderson and I are sending it to our friendly stakeholders for preview tomorrow and it could be a little sensitive the way it is.

HannahScott1 commented 7 years ago

We can then just add the button back when the page is ready.

aatteia commented 7 years ago

Hi @HannahScott1, I have removed the button and it can be put back into the page when we are ready with the new one. I have also unpublished the page so that it is in the Private grouping in the WordPress page admin section which will mean that the public cannot see the page but we will still have access to it down the road should we need it.

HannahScott1 commented 7 years ago

Thanks @aatteia ! If you can start to mock up the new partners page, I'll work on getting the list of partners that we should be recognising together.

aatteia commented 7 years ago


aatteia commented 7 years ago

Hi @HannahScott1 How is the partner list coming along? The sooner I have it, the sooner I can get the page locked down.

HannahScott1 commented 7 years ago

Will try to get to this today, if not tomorrow.

aatteia commented 7 years ago

Hi @HannahScott1 how is the text for this page going? Due to the importance of the page, I'm keen to get this done and up asap.

aatteia commented 7 years ago

Due to the complexity of this issue, a pin is being put in this for now.

nickdos commented 7 years ago

Just adding some of my comments from the other issue I raised:

It was mainly to acknowledge those institutions/entities that had got together and made the original funding proposal to NCRIS for the ALA to be created.

I think we need to address this "history" of the ALA on this page.

In the footer we mention partners:

The ALA is made possible by contributions from its partners, is supported by NCRIS and hosted by CSIRO

I think we should link the "partners" text to that page and update the page with some background text.

nickdos commented 7 years ago

This is issue does not seems to be closed (just on ice), as it should be addressed at some point soon... re-opening