AtlasOfLivingAustralia / ala-wordpress-theme

WordPress theme for Atlas main site.
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ALA Citizen science central page - change links #13

Closed RobinaSanderson closed 7 years ago

RobinaSanderson commented 7 years ago

Once the new site is live, the following links will need to be changed on the ALA citizen science central page.

In the footer menu " Atlas data" image

  1. Link Sensitive Data to How to work with data (page) | How we handle sensitive data (Heading)
  2. Link Data integration to How to work with data (page) | How we integrate data (Heading)
  3. Link Dataset upload to How to work with data (page) | How we upload data sets (Heading)

In the footer menu "Contact Us" image

  1. Link Communications to new Contact us (page)

In the footer menu "Atlas features" Add a link to the new Sites and Services page:

aatteia commented 7 years ago

@RobinaSanderson Unless I am missing something here, the entire footer will be updated to that of the new WordPress site:


matthewandrews commented 7 years ago

This page is on the Biocollect site (see the URL). That means it's not on the WordPress site (wpprod2017), and it's also not one of the ALA sites using "commonui", i.e. a centrally published header and footer. Most ALA sites use Bootstrap 2 or Bootstrap 3 "commonui" - this means it is relatively easy to switch them over to the new header/footer/CSS (but initially I think we are planning to switch them over manually one by one, and perhaps after that switch the remaining sites all at once). However, Biocollect is a standalone site which will need separate work by the Biocollect team to make changes to header/footer/etc.

RobinaSanderson commented 7 years ago

Thanks @matthewandrews - I could see that that footer was different on the page but didn't know why. Given that you say it needs to be updated by someone on the Biocollect team, I'll let @pbrenton know so it can be included in their work.

RobinaSanderson commented 7 years ago

I have just discussed this with @pbrenton, he will include updating the biocollect header and footer in the biocollect backlog. It won't be done in this current sprint, so if we can leave the pages it points to for now that would be good (avoids broken links).