AtlasOfLivingAustralia / ala-wordpress-theme

WordPress theme for Atlas main site.
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New page - Listing for tools and web services (Title to be determined #6

Closed RobinaSanderson closed 7 years ago

RobinaSanderson commented 7 years ago

As a user of ALA application and web services I want a page listing all these things So that I can see all the things ALA does and quickly get to them


  1. Create a page - name to be determined
  2. Have a heading "ALA developed web applications"
  3. List and link to all items currently available under the Menu "ALA Apps" image
  4. Have a heading "ALA web services"
  5. Link to the page
  6. Provide a link to the page under the About Us header menu, after the Indigenous Knowledge link
  7. Provide a link to the page in the footer under Indigenous Ecological Knowledge in the About Us grouping of links.


  1. do we want to duplicate links to the Spatial portal and other apps?
  2. possible names aregiven below, Adam to check for useability:
    • ALA sites
    • ALA web applications
    • ALA developed tools
    • ALA sites and services
matthewandrews commented 7 years ago

Re "Move here the content on the page" - I don't think this content should be copied to WordPress; it's dynamic content in a separate app; it would make sense to have an "ALA web services" nav link in WordPress that points to

I think the websites list page should include Spatial Portal etc - it should be a reasonably full list of our sites.

RobinaSanderson commented 7 years ago

Thanks @matthewandrews - I've changed the story to a link.

RobinaSanderson commented 7 years ago

Hi @aatteia - if you haven't already let matt know the title for this page, could you please add it here? Thanks

matthewandrews commented 7 years ago

I've put together this list - @aatteia is designing the page now.

aatteia commented 7 years ago

Below are audits on the label options for a page pulling together “links to other apps and tools e.g Phylolink, Profiles”. The tier 2 label options for this page have been tested with two tier 1 menu item options “Learn about the ALA” and “Start exploring”.

Goals: The purpose of the page is to be a starting point and an overview of the sites and services that the ALA provides.

Tier 2 label options to be paired with tier 1 label ‘Learn about the ALA’ image

Tier 2 label options to be paired with tier 1 label ‘Start exploring’ image


aatteia commented 7 years ago

Here is the scoring guide: image

matthewandrews commented 7 years ago

"Sites & services" sounds good. And what about "Learn about the ALA" vs "Start exploring"?

RobinaSanderson commented 7 years ago

As a suggestion, I'd put this under Start Exploring because it is a listing of things you can use rather than an explanation and I think the Learn about the ALA heading makes me think I'll be getting information about the ALA rather than links to things I can use.

Just my 2 cents and happy to go with majority rule... :-)

aatteia commented 7 years ago

I agree with Robina that it is a more natural fit with 'Start exploring'.

RobinaSanderson commented 7 years ago

Hi @HannahScott1 - you should get an email notification to this issue because is used the "@" mention. If you didn't already know, you can "watch" issues in github using the button at the top right of the screen when the issue is open.

matthewandrews commented 7 years ago

OK we have the link in the 'Start exploring' nav menu now, and a placeholder Sites & services page on wpprod2017 with a not-yet-formatted list of sites.

matthewandrews commented 7 years ago

The Sites and services page is done - closing this issue.

HannahScott1 commented 7 years ago

This looks great. Thanks all!