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Test site not inclusing JS code in sourceMap files #130

Closed nickdos closed 7 months ago

nickdos commented 2 years ago

All JS functionality is broken due to empty JS source files being generated by asset-pipeline.

E.g. the search.js file on prod looks like:

(function(a){"function"===typeof define&&define.amd?define(a):window.purl=a()})(function(){function a(a,c){a=decodeURI(a);c=u[c?"strict":"loose"].exec(a);a={attr:{},param:{},seg:{}};for(var t=14;t--;)a.attr[p[t]]=c[t]||"";a.param.query=b(a.attr.query);a.param.fragment=b(a.attr.fragment);a.seg.path=a.attr.path.replace(/^\/+|\/+$/g,"").split("/");a.seg.fragment=a.attr.fragment.replace(/^\/+|\/+$/g,"").split("/");"://"
(a.attr.port?":"+a.attr.port:""):"";return a}function m(a){a=a.tagName;return"undefined"!==typeof a?k[a.toLowerCase()]:a}function q(a,c,t,p){var e=a.shift();if(e){var b=c[t]=c[t]||

whereas test site has:



rest of file is empty.

This issue seems similar:, which suggests upgrading to a newer version of asset-pipeline plugin.

nickdos commented 2 years ago

Already tried incrementing asset-pipeline version from 2.14.2 to 2.15.1 but this did not fix the issue.

adam-collins commented 7 months ago

Ok today.