AtlasOfLivingAustralia / biocache-service

Occurrence & mapping webservices
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Create text-based field for dataset name searching #738

Closed nickdos closed 9 months ago

nickdos commented 2 years ago

Allow users to search for a substring against the dataset_name field. Related to AtlasOfLivingAustralia/biocache-hubs/issues/341.

Currently dataset_name is a string field in the SOLR schema and can only be "found" when an exact match query is used. Therefore to allow Google-style searching, a new SOLR field needs to be created (text type) and then the dataset_name (and possibly data_resource as well) need to be copied into this field. Once this field is searchable, the advanced search page needs an additional field for Survey/dataset name to be added, to allow users to be able to search it.

Call the new (text based) field: datasets (maybe) and copy dataset_name and data_resource` values into it.

qifeng-bai commented 2 years ago

dataset_name is deprecated. We are using camel case now.

We have 'datasetName' and 'dataResourceName' in

Please confirm we should use dataResourceName, instead of 'data_resource'. @nickdos

nickdos commented 2 years ago

Please confirm we should use dataResourceName, instead of 'data_resource'. @nickdos

Yes, that is correct 👍

Original issue pre-dated the change to camelCase.

adam-collins commented 9 months ago

search field text_datasetName exists