AtlasOfLivingAustralia / biocache-service

Occurrence & mapping webservices
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Use JWT to authenticate against DOI service #796

Closed brucehyslop closed 1 year ago

brucehyslop commented 1 year ago

resolution of #789 ported ala-ws-plugin token interceptor for retrofit and configuration of DOI service

brucehyslop commented 1 year ago

use the config params from the

sughics commented 1 year ago

@brucehyslop . I've added and tested support to invoke userdetails lookup calls with JWT using the ported ala-ws-plugin changes as well. Tested with the following scopes defined under the config webservices.jwt-scopes=users/read doi/write

sughics commented 1 year ago

use the config params from the

Also added webservice configs to ala-install and ansible-inventories repos