AtlasOfLivingAustralia / biocache-service

Occurrence & mapping webservices
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Map clicks in biocache UI fail - gateway mapping related error #819

Closed djtfmartin closed 7 months ago

djtfmartin commented 1 year ago

When clicking the points on the map in biocache UI, the call to the gateway fails in test.

Underlying call:*%3A*&qualityProfile=ALA&fq=contentTypes%3A%22GenomicDNA%22&zoom=12&lat=-10.782386474660953&lon=142.4674415588379&radius=0.15&format=json

which gives:

 The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing)

the successful URL would look like*%3A*&qualityProfile=ALA&fq=contentTypes%3A%22GenomicDNA%22&zoom=12&lat=-10.782386474660953&lon=142.4674415588379&radius=0.15&format=json

which gives

"count": 1,
"occurrences": [
sughics commented 1 year ago

API Gateway specs updated to handle above request.

One of two params specified for Openapi specs in the application for this API Path seem invalid - instead of showing individual params from SpatialSearchRequestDTO, it instead sets the JSON object requestParams of SpatialSearchRequestDTO as the query parameter.

The above fix simply sets the API resource as http_proxy type ensuring that the params provided my client are passed onto the server as is.

adam-collins commented 7 months ago

appears done