AtlasOfLivingAustralia / biocache-service

Occurrence & mapping webservices
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dcterms:modified / dcterms:type inconsistencies #846

Closed kylie-m closed 7 months ago

kylie-m commented 8 months ago

Field cannot be obtained through the Occurrence Search API endpoint (, but it is in the JSON output for the Occurrence Detail endpoint ([{recordUuid}] (; weirdly enough it is in the ‘processed’ object) and can be downloaded via the Offline Download (

It would be good if it could be displayed on the Record Detail page ({recordUuid}).

adam-collins commented 8 months ago

Cannot find it. Where? What for?

adam-collins commented 8 months ago

@peggynewman can you comment further?

peggynewman commented 8 months ago

cc @nielsklazenga - please comment

melb herbarium record raw: "modified": "2003-12-09 00:00:00"," raw:firstLoaded": "2019-01-10T14:38:10Z" raw: "lastModifiedTime": "2023-11-06T13:21:01.170Z" processed: modified": "2003-12-09T00:00" processed: "lastModifiedTime": "2023-11-06T13:26:14.105Z",

inat record raw: modified": "2023-10-31T05:40:11Z", raw:firstLoaded": "2023-11-05T23:16:57.254Z", raw: lastModifiedTime": "2023-11-07T16:08:28.626Z" processed: "modified": "2023-10-31T05:40:11Z", processed: "lastModifiedTime": "2023-11-07T16:08:29.159Z",

adam-collins commented 8 months ago
nielsklazenga commented 8 months ago

I agree with @adam-collins. You can query on dcterms:modified and you can also get the data through the offline download, which is all people need to do with it, I think. When I first reported (unofficially and untraceably) this issue the term was indexed but not populated.

I would like dcterms:modified to be displayed on the record detail pages, but that should probably be reported/requested somewhere else.

peggynewman commented 8 months ago

Ok, we're all good then. I do think it would be useful to have the modified date displayed on the record detail page. I think folks care about when the record was last modified by the data provider.

Re the times: addInstant(sd, raw, "lastModifiedTime", "lastLoadDate"); addInstant(sd, processed, "lastModifiedTime", "lastProcessedDate");

After some fun afternoon digging it seems that:

lastLoadDate is when the verbatim AVRO was written lastProcessedDate is when the interpreted AVRO was written

I'm curious about the difference between lastModifiedTime in the JSON response, and how they related to these terms:

adam-collins commented 8 months ago

Added type and modified to the occurrence page, e.g.

modified was excluded intentionally. I do not know the context.

pull requests,,

nielsklazenga commented 8 months ago

Thanks @adam-collins, that is great. I do not know what the reason of keeping these terms off the page could have been. Does not make sense.