AtlasOfLivingAustralia / biocache-service

Occurrence & mapping webservices
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Add hex bin option to WMS #880

Open adam-collins opened 5 months ago

adam-collins commented 5 months ago

Hex bins will operate the same as grid bins, e.g. the current sizing parameter, but include a border if requested, e.g. same as points.

Also include a new parameter to override the default colour ramp.

Something that does the equivalent of "colourRamp=value" where "value" is "colour1,count1,colour2,count2,colour3", colours are RGBA hex, and used as defined here:

adam-collins commented 4 months ago



1 2

adam-collins commented 2 months ago

Received a comment about removing that faint border between cells.

adam-collins commented 2 months ago

Any other feedback?

adam-collins commented 1 month ago

Removed the border between cells. This is in test for confirmation. example

There was a buffer applied to adjust for the aliased edges. It looks OK in the given example but if you find another where it is not, please provide a link to the incorrect image.
