option for whole taxon profile caching, taxon.profile.cache.all=false (default)
option for taxon profile cache size. taxon.profile.cache.size=10000 (default)
add hostname to log4j
update for sandbox usage
format code and organise imports
change remaining '.p' to Config.persistenceManager.fieldDelimiter + "p"
option for case sensitive fields in Cassandra3. cassandra.case.sensitive=true (default)
using lowercase 'rowkey'.
using Uid and ID.
when cassandra.case.sensitive=true remapping is disabled for bioorder -> order, classs -> class
include "load-dwca" options into the generic "load".
update update-conservation-data for cassandra3.
add "bulk-processor load-conservation-data" to run after "update-conservation-data" to update occ instead of re-running the location processor.
support deleting of more SOLR rowkeys with ListDelete.
add options to "process" cmd.
add option to sample-local-node for specific layers (el/cl).
add index-local-records-v2 using lower level API SOLR index creation, Cassandra paging using arrays instead of maps, additional option for indexing/storing all cassandra content.
allow port specification with cassandra.hosts comma delimited list of host:port.
enable usage of cassandra.port to override the default.
option for automatic cassandra column creation. cassandra.column.create=true (default)
enable exit of cassandra3 paging, pageOver* with proc => Boolean false.
SOLR 6.x Case sensitive Cassandra
Changes include