AtlasOfLivingAustralia / biocache-store

Occurrence processing, indexing and batch processing
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dupliate assertions in occurrence record #406

Open alexhuang091 opened 3 years ago

alexhuang091 commented 3 years ago

When the user flags an issue of a record in biocache-hubs, the annotation appears twice in userQualityAssertion field

Here's an example:

In the userQualityAssertion you can see the assertion with uuid f1181d58-c963-4b7e-9522-edec9406abeb appears twice. This issue only happens on newly created annotations (by flagging an issue on biocache-hubs). Those admin verificatioons (which are also annotations of 50001/50002/50003) won't duplicate.

alexhuang091 commented 3 years ago

This should be already be fixed by