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DR19819 example: Images Linking - Multiple images for occurrence #822

Open rosemaryjoconnor opened 2 years ago

rosemaryjoconnor commented 2 years ago

Image service does not permit and image to be linked to multiple occurrence records.

For DR18556 - ANIC there is the scenario where an image may be of a box of capsules with each capsule representing an occurrence record. The single image then needs to be linked to each occurrence record for each of the capsules. However, this is not occurring.

In the attached image C04-0738-09-Box62.JPG, the individual capsules can be clearly seen. C04-0738-09-Box62

Having multiple images repeated, with each named to match a capsule occurrence is not viable as Image-service will treat these as duplicates. Image service does not recognise alternate_filename and occurrence records associated with the image file are not synced. (See Issue #516:

Ideally the Image-service needs to:

Both of the above have been identified as likely to cause ongoing issues with collection datasets