AtlasOfLivingAustralia / data-management

Data management issue tracking
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2022 Mobilisation - DPI #944

Closed rosemaryjoconnor closed 10 months ago

rosemaryjoconnor commented 12 months ago

Data Loaded in databox DPI still working through duplicates etc...

rosemaryjoconnor commented 12 months ago

Metadata has been provided but there is still some confusion with Institutions, collections and incorrect provider maps

rosemaryjoconnor commented 11 months ago

Changes to Institution, Collections and Provider Maps complete in Prod. Institution deletions to wait until after index run overnight. Data resource updates for dr2289, dr15528 to be checked. New data resource for mobilisation data: dr22311

rosemaryjoconnor commented 11 months ago

Data loaded. Restructure complete and DPI happy with the result. No further indication of when additional data will be available.

rosemaryjoconnor commented 11 months ago

Mtg 09/08/2023 - Extracts from EMu going well. Should have dataset for us by 17/08/2023

rosemaryjoconnor commented 10 months ago

New dataset received. Differs a great deal from first sample. Have emailed with suggestions.

rosemaryjoconnor commented 10 months ago

Tues 29/08/2023 Had mtg with DPI. They are going to work on fixing the data.

rosemaryjoconnor commented 10 months ago

Further datasets sent. Have loaded into databox dr21667. DPI notified to check.

rosemaryjoconnor commented 10 months ago

In Production 12/09/2023

rosemaryjoconnor commented 9 months ago

Production 12/09/2023 Mobilisation record count: 357,037 URL: NSW DPI Biosecurity Collections