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Soft delete Fossil data resources #947

Closed rosemaryjoconnor closed 9 months ago

rosemaryjoconnor commented 12 months ago

deregister from GBIF (untick Should be shared with GBIF ? : yes) find out what the 'Delete from GBIF' button does mark data resource as private remove AVRO

peggynewman commented 9 months ago Fossil Birds Database of Australasian Vertebrate Occurrences Fossil Fish

peggynewman commented 9 months ago

Clicked 'Delete from GBIF' Then unticked 'is shareable with GBIF' lost the GBIF registry key in collectory, but retained below Set it to private

dr2290 | dr2289 | dr2342 |

Please delete the AVRO for this DR, not the collectory entries.

cha801p commented 9 months ago

Ticket Update: September 13, 2023 (4:30 PM)

Issue Resolved: Soft Deletion of Fossil Data Resources

Solution: We have successfully performed a soft delete operation on the Avro files for the following datasets: dr2290, dr2289, and dr2342. Soft delete means that we have removed the Avro files while retaining the UUIDs and the collectory records. (These datasets will not be included in the next index run)

Actions Taken: Executed the "Delete_dataset_dag" with the following parameters: "datasetIds": dr2290, dr2289, dr2342 "remove_records_in_solr": true "remove_records_in_es": false "delete_avro_files": true "retain_dwca": true "retain_uuid": true

Validation: I have confirmed the following:

peggynewman commented 9 months ago

Removed from GBIF, we can close this when we check the index and let Cam/Ely know we've done it

peggynewman commented 9 months ago

Done and done. Just a note for soft deleting, if anyone is coming back to this ticket later. The "Delete from GBIF" button in Collectory won't appear if the license on the data isn't compatible with GBIF. You can quickly edit the license and then the delete button will come back, and then you can use it.

peggynewman commented 9 months ago

PS needed to also delete the dwcas from dwca-imports/, because even re-interpretation reads the list of datasets to be loaded by reading this directory

cha801p commented 9 months ago

Done Re-ran Delete_dataset_dag with following parameters: "datasetIds": dr2290, dr2289, dr2342 "remove_records_in_solr": true "remove_records_in_es": false "delete_avro_files": true "retain_dwca": false "retain_uuid": true