AtlasOfLivingAustralia / data-management

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Ecollaboraton Frog Monitoring event core #960

Closed peggynewman closed 3 weeks ago

peggynewman commented 10 months ago

As per freshdesk ticket

cha801p commented 10 months ago

Ticket Update: September 4, 2023 (6 PM)

Problem: New Event dataset to load.

Solution: Successfully load the new dataset into biocache.

Actions Taken: Data was thoroughly reviewed and restructured to extract event.csv and occurrence.csv files.

Communication: A sample of the data was sent to the data provider, along with a request to provide data in a similar format.


Next Step: Once eventID and occurrenceIDs are generated, create event.csv, measurementsOrFacts.csv, and occurrence.csv from the data.

cha801p commented 10 months ago

Ticket Update: September 11, 2023 (5 PM)

Problem: New Event dataset to load.

Solution: Successfully load the new dataset into biocache.

Actions Taken: Data Loaded on databox.

Communication: A sample link was shared on datamanagement-internal group for review (

Issued Faced:

Set Unique Key as - occurrenceID

peggynewman commented 9 months ago

The event hierarchy looks odd - @charvolant could you have a look at this with Raj?


Also, just re some data:

cha801p commented 8 months ago

Ticket Update: October 17, 2023 (2 PM)

Issue: Required to load a new event dataset.

Resolution: Successfully imported the new dataset into biocache.

Actions Taken:

  1. Data uploaded to databox and events.test.
  2. Updated the CC license.
  3. Updated metadata.
  4. Corrected some irregular samplingProtocol values, although some anomalies still remain.
  5. Adjusted event date.
  6. Updated measurementOrFacts.csv and reloaded the data.

Challenges Faced: Dealing with the manual inconsistencies in the RAW data required manual Excel adjustments.

Next Step:

Communication: Regarding the structure of the data-

  1. I have conducted a comprehensive review of the data, and it is properly organized and structured.
  2. @charvolant and I have meticulously examined the data during a call, and we did not discover any irregularities.
  3. This issue has been reported within the extended-data-model context but has not yet been addressed.
cha801p commented 7 months ago

Ticket Update: November 28, 2023 (10 AM)

Issue: Required to load a new event dataset.

Resolution: Successfully imported the new dataset into biocache.

Actions Taken:

Status: Waiting for the customer

cha801p commented 6 months ago

Ticket Update: December 14, 2023 (3 PM)

Issue: Required to load a new event dataset on biocache

Resolution: Successfully imported the new dataset into biocache.

Actions Taken:

Problems Encountered: extendedMeasurementOrFacsts are not appearing on biocache records

Possible Solution: Restructure extendedMeasurementOrFacsts.csv according to the sample file sent by Doug

Status: Work Pending

cha801p commented 5 months ago

Status: Databox link sent to data provider, waiting for approval Next Step: Once verified by data provider load the data on Prod

cha801p commented 5 months ago

cha801p commented 5 months ago

Ticket Update: February 8, 2024 (5 PM)

Issue: Required to load a new event dataset on biocache

Resolution: Successfully imported the new dataset into biocache.

Actions Taken:

Status: Waiting for full_solr_index

peggynewman commented 4 months ago

There are 600 records with no state. Looking at one record, the site was Sippy Downs, which I think is in Qld. Is there no location info for that site?

The title of the DR is "Sunshine Coast..." so even if there is no lat/long, we could set the stateProvince field to Queensland. Do you see any problems with doing this?

cha801p commented 4 months ago

Ticket Update: February 27, 2024 (5 PM)

Issue: Required to load a new event dataset on prod

Resolution: Successfully imported the new dataset into prod/events.

Actions Taken:

Data load successful