AtlasOfLivingAustralia / documentation

Documentation for ALA demo install
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More detailed documentation on running individual services #33

Open PaulKiddle opened 3 years ago

PaulKiddle commented 3 years ago

Hello, I think it would be helpful for each individual service to have more documentation on how to run it, what its dependencies are, etc. The Ansible scripts feel a bit magic to me and it's hard to get a good grip on how the services work individually.

For context, I don't want to run a whole LA instance but I'm trying to figure out whether any of the component services might be useful for integration into a related project.

vjrj commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure about what do you mean with "run":

I'll try to respond anyway. There are several uses of a LA portal. Some basic usage only deploy basic services: collectory aka collections, biocache aka occurrences frontend, CAS for user authentication and the backend solr+cassandra+mysql-collectory-db. Here the dependencies are minimal.

Others portals like ALA uses all the LA modules, see: this has many dependencies and each module depends also in the rest.

Each service playbook shows the general software basic dependencies, for instance, the collectory:

The LA ansible generator creates a ansible wrapper that facilitates to understand how to deploy each module.

For instance, if you want to deploy CAS: ./ansiblew --alainstall=../ala-install cas this only shows the real ansible-command. In my case: ansible-playbook -u ubuntu -i gbif-es-inventory.ini -i gbif-es-local-extras.ini -i gbif-es-cas-inventory.ini -i gbif-es-cas-local-extras.ini -i gbif-es-local-passwords.ini ../ala-install/ansible/cas5-standalone.yml --limit --extra-vars ala_install_repo=../ala-install

So you can see the cas5-standalone.yml playbook: the deps.