AtlasOfLivingAustralia / fieldguide

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Verbose logging in prod #8

Closed nickdos closed 7 months ago

nickdos commented 7 years ago

catalina.out is showing hundreds of lines of output for every request that looks like a system.println style logging (so not log4j).

Track down the culprit and convert to log4j or remove.


Malvaceae={Common sida=[{imageDataResourceUrl=, scientificName=Sida rhombifolia, smallImageUrl=, genus=Sida, imageCreator=, imageRights=, guid=, author=L., phylum=Charophyta, rank=species, classs=Equisetopsida, kingdom=Plantae, order=Malvales, datasetID=dr5214, nameComplete=Sida rhombifolia L., family=Malvaceae, datasetName=Australian Plant Census, thumbnailUrl=, name=Sida rhombifolia, largeImageUrl=, commonNameSingle=Common sida, imageDataResourceName=Bush Heritage - Carnarvon Station Reserve, imageDataResourceUid=dr1030}], Red-flowered Mallow=[{imageDataResourceUrl=, scientificName=Modiola caroliniana, smallImageUrl=, genus=Modiola, imageCreator=, imageRights=, guid=, author=(L.) G.Don, phylum=Charophyta, rank=species, linkIdentifier=Modiola caroliniana, classs=Equisetopsida, kingdom=Plantae, order=Malvales, datasetID=dr5214, nameComplete=Modiola caroliniana (L.) G.Don, family=Malvaceae, datasetName=Australian Plant Census, thumbnailUrl=, name=Modiola caroliniana, largeImageUrl=, commonNameSingle=Red-flowered Mallow, imageDataResourceName=Encyclopedia of Life Images - Flickr Group, imageDataResourceUid=dr360}]}

and there are many such entries per download.

adam-collins commented 10 months ago
