AtlasOfLivingAustralia / front-end-static

Static front end work (html, css, js, img) for use on ALA sites.
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Jump to letter of interest when a facet has a huge number of options (scrolling not possible) #33

Open ryonen opened 7 years ago

ryonen commented 7 years ago

Where the list of searchable alternatives in the facets is extremely long (e.g. Collector’s name) it would be great to introduce a function where the user can enter the first letter of the word and have it jump to the start of that letter in the list e.g. type [S], jump to "Sa'ad, F.". Currently it is only possible to sort by Collector and then scroll through the entire list (which starts with a whole series of symbols and oddities before it hits [A]). collector name scrolling nightmare

This issue was raised by a colleague at the Australian National Herbarium who spent a day playing with AVH and ALA working out how to cobble together a URL to link a large number of individual Collector name searches together in order to create a map showing all the collections made by M.E. Sutton nee Nightingale through time. She used AVH for her search (; note that only one name can be searched at a time) because ALA doesn't have 'Collector' as a searchable option in its Advanced search page -; it's definitely more of a collections institution thing to want to search by collector). That would be a useful addition to ALA if, for e.g., all the collections made by a particular naturalist (and therefore including plant and animal specimens) were to be sought.

Following from my colleagues email I attempted to select all records by [N]ightingale and [S]utton (M. Nightingale, M.E. Nightingale, M. Sutton and M.E. Sutton records (plus all others in which these names are given as co-collectors) out of the pool of all available herbarium specimens ( using the Collector facet. Yikes! I scrolled for 30 mins and I was still in the letter A…

Some improvements here would be to 1) allow multiple names to be searched in Advanced searches; 2) allow users to jump to the letter of interest rather than scroll through everything; 3) increase the number of names that can be selected at any one time - currently only 15 things can be selected, which is problematic when a collector is linked to a large number of co-collectors or the name is formed slightly differently (e.g. G.J. Keighery vs G. J. Keighery vs G. Keighery vs Keighery, G.J vs Keighery, G.; Gibon, N. etc.) and each combination is a separate entry:

keighery collections

Note that I had to leave two non-Greg Keighery records in there because to exclude them, as well as all Greg's wife Bronwen's collections (that did not include Greg as co-collector) took 17 selections.

It has to be easier than all this. Let me know if this needs splitting into different issues.

ryonen commented 7 years ago

Not only just for collector - for all fields where there're likely to be a huge number of option to select from. E.g. If you use Advanced search to get all the collections made by a particular collector, the number of different species from different genera etc. in that list is potentially enormous.