AtlasOfLivingAustralia / galah-R

Query living atlases from R
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`search_field_values()` not displaying correct deprecated warning #167

Closed daxkellie closed 9 months ago

daxkellie commented 1 year ago

search_field_values() - superseded by show_values() - should still continue to work correctly over the typical deprecation process and display a deprecation message.

Instead, it errors and provides an unhelpful error message


#> Warning: We didn't detect a valid query.
#> ℹ Try entering text to search for matching values.
#> Error in grepl(query, tolower(field_text$category)): argument "query" is missing, with no default

Created on 2022-11-02 with reprex v2.0.2

daxkellie commented 9 months ago

search_field_values() now fully deprecated in galah 2.0.0 in favour of:

show_all(fields, "cl22") |> show_values()