AtlasOfLivingAustralia / galah-R

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Unhelpful error when email is incorrect in `galah_config()` #179

Closed daxkellie closed 1 year ago

daxkellie commented 1 year ago

When an email is misspelled in galah_config(), the error message is very unhelpful

galah_config(email = "",
             verbose = FALSE)
galah_call() |> 
    galah_identify("Anas superciliosa")|>              
#> Status code 500 returned for url
#> • Status code 500 returned for url <pointer: 0x1417b61c0>.
#> # A tibble: 0 × 0

It would be nice to suggest to check whether the user's email is entered correctly when a code 500 error is returned

daxkellie commented 1 year ago

Just wanted to note that a Status code 500 error is generated when an email address is incorrectly entered with an @ symbol, but a Status code 400 error is triggered when an email address is entered incorrectly without an @ symbol.

Status code 400 is usually a more "catch-all" error, so for now I have only implemented a specific error message for a Status code 500 error. More investigating needs to be done whether the same solution could work for a 400 error.

daxkellie commented 1 year ago

This also explicitly solves issue #173

mjwestgate commented 1 year ago

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