AtlasOfLivingAustralia / layers-service

Spatial layers - this repo for issues/doc only, not code
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Load Layer: States and Territories Polygons 2011 #1

Closed djtfmartin closed 6 years ago

djtfmartin commented 10 years ago

migrated from: date: Thu Aug 8 05:31:55 2013 author: moyesyside

Original Issue -

Reported by, Nov 29, 2011 load "layers->political->Australia States and Territories" and then look at border area. I looked at the border between Canberra and Queanbeyan and also Cameron Corner The Google supplied borders matched the base layers but "layers->political->Australia States and Territories" matched neither. The end result is confusing if you are trying to work out visually which state a point close to the border is in. Important for understanding the operation of Sensitive data rules.

In addition the "layers->political->Australia States and Territories" shows a dog leg in the border near Cameron Corner that I have not been able to see on other maps. Unfortunately the "View metadata for Australian States .." page has broken links.

The same issues apply to the LGA Boundaries layer as well Nov 29, 2011 #1 I have just tested "layers->Marine->boundaries->States including coastal waters" and the State boundaries it includes match very closely with the google boundaries and base layers. This layer also has excellent metadata associated with it and appears authoritative.
Nov 29, 2011 #2 ajay.ranipeta setting to Lee for triage Owner: Nov 29, 2011 Project Member #3 It boils down to a need for a better States and Territories layer and fixing the broken links in the layer table. Meanwhile, the states/territories with coastal waters will need to suffice.

There is a 2011 states/territories shapefile at Metadata? Who knows. Status: Accepted Owner: Cc: Nov 29, 2011 Project Member #4 (No comment was entered for this change.) Cc: Feb 15, 2012 #5 ajay.ranipeta Should this be done by Chris as he is set to update the LGA boundaries? Issue 670
Feb 15, 2012 Project Member #6 Yes. Over to Chris to lead. Added the updated states/territories to the ListOfOutstandingLayersToBeIngested spreadsheet on Google Docs. Owner: Labels: -Priority-Medium Priority-High Apr 24, 2012 Project Member #7 Changing title to reflect that this layer needs to be loaded. Summary: LOAD LAYER: States and Territories Polygons 2011 Apr 25, 2012 Project Member #8 (No comment was entered for this change.) Labels: -Priority-High Priority-Low Jul 10, 2013 Project Member #9 This is a basic layer used in many applications and there appears to be an offset of up to 1km on the ACT boundary so it would be a good idea to update this layer asap. Agree with Doug that the layer "States and territories including coastal waters" is far more accurate Cc: moyesyside Labels: -Priority-Low Priority-High

djtfmartin commented 10 years ago

date: Thu Aug 8 16:28:40 2013 author: moyesyside

(No comment was entered for this change.)

UPDATES: Labels: SpatialPortal

djtfmartin commented 10 years ago

date: Thu Aug 8 16:48:05 2013 author: moyesyside

(No comment was entered for this change.)

UPDATES: Labels: -Type-Defect Type-Enhancement

djtfmartin commented 10 years ago

date: Thu Aug 8 16:59:52 2013 author: moyesyside

(No comment was entered for this change.)

UPDATES: Labels: Layers Summary: Load Layer: States and Territories Polygons 2011WAS:(was: LOAD LAYER: States and Territories Polygons 2011)

adam-collins commented 10 years ago

date: Sun May 25 22:36:18 2014 author:

Layer loaded on dev as: cl2013, asgs_aust_11

UPDATES: Owner: Status: Started

Tasilee commented 10 years ago

date: Mon May 26 19:00:09 2014 author:

Metadata found (ABS) and updated in layers table. Note: This layer will deprecate the current state and territory boundaries layer cl22 (aus1).

adam-collins commented 9 years ago

Is this OK for prod?

Tasilee commented 9 years ago


Tasilee commented 9 years ago

...and remove cl22 (not deprecate)

adam-collins commented 9 years ago

On prod. Need to update biocache to point at cl2013 instead of cl22 before removing.

Tasilee commented 9 years ago

Looks good. Agree - swap biocache to cl2013 then remove cl22 (asap) to remove problems (e.g., points in ocean etc) and confusion.

ansell commented 8 years ago

Those layers may need to be be deprecated in favour of the latest PSMA boundaries, see issue #81

Tasilee commented 8 years ago
