AtlasOfLivingAustralia / layers-service

Spatial layers - this repo for issues/doc only, not code
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Load Layer - 2019-2020 fires footprint areas #116

Closed Tasilee closed 4 years ago

Tasilee commented 4 years ago

This area has been requested by a number of scientists for the evaluation of the impacts of this fire season. Ideally, tabulating it with the other contextuals would be nice. This would enable evaluations such as the impact of the fires on CAPAD areas.

Investigation and approval

Loading the layer

Once layer loading has been approved, the following are the steps required to load, integrate, and test it.

Screen Shot 2020-04-06 at 12 30 48 pm Screen Shot 2020-04-06 at 12 34 28 pm Screen Shot 2020-04-06 at 12 43 06 pm

Intersection worked, giving the expected value of 0:

root@ala-dylan:~# cat ~/cl10955-intersection-output/sample.csv 
ansell commented 4 years ago

Scratch that, deleting the layer and trying again.

Tasilee commented 4 years ago

Metadata: I asked Hamish (who was involved in the meetings) to see if he could get some but have not got a response as yet.

ansell commented 4 years ago

Thanks Lee, let me know when the metadata is available to continue the loading process:

ansell commented 4 years ago

Metadata provided by Hamish at the same time as he blocked further progress on this on strategic grounds while the spatial layer management problem bubbles through.

When this rises back to the top again, the metadata is available from:

ansell commented 4 years ago

Hamish reversed his decision, so this is back on for loading again as a priority.

ansell commented 4 years ago

Deleting the previous staged layer as the website above provides a newer version with a revision date of 2020-03-23 where the previous staged layer had 2020-02-24 as its revision date.

ansell commented 4 years ago

The shapefile contains a single MULTIPOLYGON, with the label 0. Queries on this version will need to select the entire multipolygon as one search filter, but other search filters in biocache can be applied on top of it.

ansell commented 4 years ago

New version of the staged layer is at:

Loading the field for it now...

ansell commented 4 years ago

The field creation dialog didn't recognise any field ids from the shapefile (or it is filtering out the Id field that is present), and the field creation failed to do anything (no errors in the web interface or the server logs.............. at all...........).

Will modify the shapefile locally to add a label field to the shapefile for the polygon and try the loading process again.

ansell commented 4 years ago

Adding a label column (text type, instead of integer as the Id column has) is still failing to show up any source columns in the field creation process, which is still failing.

That is the end of my knowledge of debugging for the layer-loading system.

Tasilee commented 4 years ago

Thanks @ansell ...I'll call for help @adam-collins

adam-collins commented 4 years ago

Loaded on nectar-spatial-staging

ansell commented 4 years ago

@adam-collins What was the key to getting the label field to show up?

adam-collins commented 4 years ago

@ansell This layer load only required more time. When I attempted to create the field, after you created the layer, sufficient time had passed and the label dropdown was available for use.

If I recall correctly, the LayerCreation process must be finished before a field can be created. This should involve not much more than a gdalwarp and loading into Geoserver. Larger and more complex layers will take longer.

ansell commented 4 years ago

@adam-collins Thanks, I will add a new task to the list to check the task queue before clicking "Create Field".

I had previously presumed that when it was possible to "Create Field", that the layer load would be complete at that point.

ansell commented 4 years ago

@adam-collins This load is blocked by the field not being populated in solr, although it is in the solr schema. Our regular Complete Reindex job has been wiping out the /data/solr/biocache/conf directory, as was required by the workaround for the previous issue where this was reported:

ansell commented 4 years ago

cl10955 isn't showing up for me in There is another Complete Reindex job running now, will see if it appears after that completes.

Tasilee commented 4 years ago

We are still missing the layer in the SP's Tabulation tool, so it looks like the cross-tabulation process has not been run, or stopped, or still running?

ansell commented 4 years ago

@Tasilee Fixing cross-tabulation for layer loading is an open issue. The last advice I had from @adam-collins was to not check the tick box for it during loading.

Tasilee commented 4 years ago

Thanks @ansell. I'll prod @adam-collins to tick and go :)

ansell commented 4 years ago

The issue previously was with very complex layers, and the process not completing months after starting it. This fire footprint layer is possibly the most complex layer we have loaded. It may not just be a case of ticking the box.

Tasilee commented 4 years ago

:) I seem to remember Adam mentioning looking at point intersection processing efficiencies...and this is a candidate to check reality.

This layer is of most benefit with the cross-tabulation intersections done.