AtlasOfLivingAustralia / layers-service

Spatial layers - this repo for issues/doc only, not code
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Load layer: Ecohydrological classification (Janet Stein) #15

Closed Tasilee closed 4 years ago

Tasilee commented 10 years ago

migrated from: date: Tue Jun 17 23:00:31 2014 author:

This layer would be extremely useful for the 'freshwater conference' demo (July 1).

From Janet Stein:

The adopted 30 group ecohydrological environment classification can be downloaded from - has a vector representation (shape format) of the stream network with classification group attributed or if you prefer raster formats there is a zipped arc/info workspace ( containing two rasters of the ecohydrological classification for, respectively, the raster stream network and its sub-catchments.

Later (probably via BOM geofabric data, but left here for context)-

(However, the underpinning spatial layers and associated environmental attributes were all updated for the Geofabric and other more recent projects so this data is not current. The other classifications can probably be supplied in the form of a lookup table to link to the stream layer if you would like them as well.)

Tasilee commented 10 years ago

date: Sun Aug 10 22:53:21 2014 author:

(No comment was entered for this change.)

UPDATES: Labels: Layers

ansell commented 8 years ago

I don't have login access to ANU to download this. What type of licensing is available on the shapefile?

There is an excel file downloadable from the following URL that appears to have some of the information but would need to be transformed from point (lat/long) measurements to something more useful before uploading:

Tasilee commented 8 years ago

Emailing Janet Stein

Tasilee commented 6 years ago

Janet has retired so this will need to be re-evaluated. The layer could be highly significant in supporting freshwater/limnetic community but needs to be cost-effective or complementary to #16 - which we know have wide support and regular updates.

Tasilee commented 4 years ago

Janet Stein retires so no support: kill. Some geofabric layers #32 suffice