AtlasOfLivingAustralia / layers-service

Spatial layers - this repo for issues/doc only, not code
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LOAD LAYER: topo position #8

Closed djtfmartin closed 4 years ago

djtfmartin commented 10 years ago

migrated from: date: Thu Aug 8 16:20:33 2013 author: moyesyside

Original Issue reported by Project Member Reported by, May 27, 2012 -

Project Member Reported by, May 27, 2012 From Kristen Williams:

Hi Lee,

Here’s the LF7RUP datasets. It is a categorical dataset. I’ve included this as a float grid which is the format required by GDM. However, GDM doesn’t work with categorical data – only continuous and ordinal…I don’t use this in GDM modelling, but it may be effective in Maxent modelling. This is the 0.01 grid version. I’m still working on the 250m grid data.

As in all the data I provide, the coastline of the 1km grid has been expanded a few cells to ensure full coverage and nodata cells have been filled to ensure consistency in data/nodata and modelling extent (a requirement for GDM analysis).

The custodian is ANU, but Brenda Mackey was the contact – Brendan is now based with Griffith at the Gold Coast.

I haven’t yet generated metadata also for this version of the layer, and will put that task on my to-do list.


Kristen 3.3 MB   Download Jun 6, 2013 Project Member #1 (No comment was entered for this change.) Cc: moyesyside Jun 6, 2013 Project Member #2 Hi Lee,

Are we still interested in this layer and is it priority critical?

Cheers, Chris Jun 6, 2013 Project Member #3 Let's lower the priority until we hear about any requests for it. Topographic position will certainly be more relevant at the 250m grid that 1km (0.01 degree) - particularly for vegetation where this data can highly influence the species composition. Jun 6, 2013 Project Member #4 (No comment was entered for this change.) Labels: -Priority-Critical Priority-Medium Jun 6, 2013 Project Member #5 (No comment was entered for this change.) Labels: -Priority-Medium Priority-Low Jul 11, 2013 Project Member #6 Kristen: I assume the categories are something like 'ridge', 'upper slope','mid-slope', 'lower slope' and 'valley'? Certainly could be useful in Sampling, MaxEnt and tabulation.

This dataset would only be of use at the 250m resolution (and with metadata :))

djtfmartin commented 10 years ago

date: Thu Aug 8 16:28:41 2013 author: moyesyside

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UPDATES: Labels: SpatialPortal

Tasilee commented 10 years ago

date: Sun Aug 10 22:56:13 2014 author:

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UPDATES: Labels: -Spatial-Portal Layers Owner:

adam-collins commented 9 years ago

name: Topographical Position id: 2051

Needs metadata.

Hover value and use in analysis will return the numerical value. Legend image has both the label and the numerical value.

Is it useful to use this layer as an environmental? Does it need to be flagged as a contextual when run in maxent? I can try to change it to a contextual if that is more appropriate.

Tasilee commented 9 years ago

This is a tricky one is that it could be treated as a contextual or environmental layer. Environmental only in that class values 1-7 show some topographic position order - ridge to flats. But you can't say 7 = 7 x 1 or even that 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1 so my feeling is that it should be contextual.

Tasilee commented 9 years ago

I cannot find any online metadata information for this layer so have emailed a friend at the Fenner School. A link to an external online resource would be ideal but this isn't always going to be available.

An alternative, as in this case is that I have a zip file with metadata. Can we file such metadata on our system?

adam-collins commented 9 years ago

If it is not appropriate for 'notes' we can put it up into /files.

Tasilee commented 9 years ago

Far more than appropriate for 'notes' See

adam-collins commented 9 years ago

Can put the pdf into /files for a URL such as or under a subdirectory, or the whole zip.

Tasilee commented 9 years ago

My feeling is a subdirectory - /files/metadata and just the pdf as we have no authority to redistribute

adam-collins commented 9 years ago

URL for layers metadata entry

Tasilee commented 9 years ago

Nice, but I can't see a link from the (i) entry capture

adam-collins commented 9 years ago

Edited the layer record. It is there now.

Tasilee commented 9 years ago

Yep. Thanks.

ansell commented 5 years ago

Layer id 2051 is not currently present and there doesn't appear to be a layer named Topographic Position in the current spatial so this may need to be reloaded.

Tasilee commented 5 years ago

OK. This layer only makes sense at 250m resolution. It is a 'Priority-low'

Tasilee commented 4 years ago

The Soil and landscape grid data supersedes this (#32)