AtlasOfLivingAustralia / layers-service

Spatial layers - this repo for issues/doc only, not code
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Load layer - Key Biodiversity areas #97

Open M-Nicholls opened 6 years ago

M-Nicholls commented 6 years ago

to replace the Important Bird Areas layer

The latest shapefile of 315 Key Biodiversity Areas is here all the way down the bottom.

ansell commented 6 years ago

No new layers are able to be uploaded until the transition from spatial-test/ala-maps/ala-maps-db to nectar-spatial-staging/aws-spatial-prod is complete.

I attempted to update the text for the IBA layer on nectar-spatial-staging to indicate it is out of date, but there was an error when doing that, which has been logged at:

Once nectar-spatial-staging and aws-spatial-prod are functional and bug free, the Key Biodiversity Areas layer can be loaded and the Important Bird Areas layer can be relabelled and excluded to indicate it is outdated.

Tasilee commented 6 years ago

Some thought is required on deprecation vs deletion of older versions of layers. If a layer is a genuine snapshot in time, it may be worth keeping so that deltas can be evaluated. If it is an improvment as in better method for estimating a parameter (e.g., slope), removal of an older layer is probably justified.

ansell commented 6 years ago

The exact wording from Birdlife Australia in this case is the following:

Adding the KBA layer to the regions tool would be brilliant. Thank you!

At this stage the KBA network is our 315 Important Bird and Biodiversity areas plus these sites

BirdLife Australia has moved on from referring to the IBAs as such but we are using KBA language pretty much exclusively now as over 90% of IBAs meet the global KBA standard on birds alone we have implemented the switch alreadythat might take other countries a litle longer.

All but 6 of teh AZE sites are actually within former IBAs. This is currently being resolved at the global KBA partnership level.

There would be regular updates on the KBA network as it grows of course too.

For now the easiest approach would probably be to use the IBA now KBA layer you already have and display it also in the regions tool. Or we canprovide you with the latest version as well as it aligns with our birdata.

It isn't completely clear from that whether the existing IBA layer should stay around and be relabelled and reloaded using the KBA shapefile, be hidden from cassandra, solr, or just faceting, or be removed and a new KBA layer be added separately. In all of those cases, we have some time to discuss as the new spatial instances are still under development.

In general, we have not planned for spare capacity in either the spatial servers (aws-spatial-prod has reduced capacity compared to ala-maps+ala-maps-db) or the new solr servers (solr cloud has half the capacity of solr-b3+solr-b4), so we are more likely to delete old layers if it is urgent to get a new version into use rather than testing whether the layers can coexist without pushing the resource boundaries and causing instability.

It shouldn't be an issue to keep the old version (properly labelled) with this vector layer, but it will be an issue with the large number of PSMA layers that have updates multiple times per year and with any raster layers that get updates.