AtlasOfLivingAustralia / mdba-hub

Murray-Darling Basin Authority Portal
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Data sets and layers checklist for the MDBA hub project #47

Closed pbrenton closed 8 years ago

pbrenton commented 8 years ago

Here is a complete list (I think!) of datasets and layers which need to be loaded for the MDBA project. Please reconcile with datasets already loaded and load any that have not yet been.



ansell commented 8 years ago

@pbrenton Could you contact MDBA and ask them for the shape files for the acid sulphate soils spatial layer. It doesn't seem to have been uploaded to This was the one that I discovered yesterday but couldn't remember when we had the meeting.

ansell commented 8 years ago

Just waiting on the 6 remaining layers (not acid sulphate soils at this point) being pulled/pushed into the production server from spatial-test.

ansell commented 8 years ago

All of the datasets have been linked to the MDBA DataHub:

Need to confirm/check the status of the 300K records in the phytoplankton dataset with regards to loading and indexing. As it is larger than the 50K limit for indexing during the week it will need to wait for the weekend full reindex to appear in searches.

ansell commented 8 years ago

All of the processed layers have been pushed into and appear under the "Area Management; Murray-Darling Basin" category