AtlasOfLivingAustralia / profile-hub

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Search results should be sorted taxonomically (ie: genus then species) #638

Open RobinaSanderson opened 5 years ago

RobinaSanderson commented 5 years ago

I assume this means search results should be sorted alphabetically by the highest level taxon.

Current results for a text search by "Glauca" image

in the above example Eriachne glauca R.Br should be displayed above Lepyrodia glauca (Nees) F.Muell.

javier-molina commented 5 years ago

First step is to investigate what is the actual search/sort criteria and then report back.

m-hope commented 5 years ago

Point of clarification (sorry I should have read further into Zoe's email)... this request is related to the "Quick browse" option at the bottom of the left hand side on the "Browse" page. If you select the taxonomy Sort by option it doesn't seem to do anything that makes sense from taxonomic hierarchy perspective (eg:

I can understand why the unknown matched profiles are at the end (and there is probably not much we can do with that), but if the user selects sort by taxonomy then it needs to make sense (ie: rank first, then alphabetically within a rank).

javier-molina commented 5 years ago

Issue before


Issue After after

RobinaSanderson commented 5 years ago

Hi @javier-molina - Just wondering if Acacia Acanthaster has a subspecies or variety will that appear under the species or towards the bottom of the list with the other subspecies?

javier-molina commented 5 years ago

Towards the bottom in alphabetical order in its taxonomy level. The results are displayed as a list/table so probably it won't be intuitive to try to sort based on hierarchy. A results tree view would be awesome though.

Hi @javier-molina - Just wondering if Acacia Acanthaster has a subspecies or variety will that appear under the species or towards the bottom of the list with the other subspecies?

RobinaSanderson commented 5 years ago

Righto - thanks.

javier-molina commented 5 years ago

RobinaSanderson commented 5 years ago

Tested in

The results in the quick browse for acacia are sorted taxonomically for both the Quick browse and the main browse view.


I'm not sure what results the quick browse displays for the search term acacia, it does the search on acacia* but I'm not sure if these are the most commonly opened profiles, the first profiles entered or some other selection. There are 1216 entries in the genus acacia of which 25 are shown. Of the 25 shown they are sorted by taxonmic level and then alphabetically.