Like in our case (see file subgroups.json) we used duplicated classnames.
In biocache the subgroups file is working proper within this duplication of classnames.
In regions tool it appeared that the names show as often as given in the subgroups file.
To merge or normalize the names I created a regionsGroups.json where the classnames only show once and others following left as blank String
In regions tool code I then refered to the file instead of refering to BIOCACHE_SERVICE_URL/explore/hierarchy
to the appropriate regionsGrourp.json file on the server /data/regions/config
This is in the MetaData Server file
//def responseGroups = getJSON("${BIOCACHE_SERVICE_URL}/explore/hierarchy")
def responseGroups = JSON.parse(new File("/data/regions/config/regionsGroups.json").text)
Hello community,
When changing our Taxon in subgroups.json this issue was happening.
regionsGroups.txt subgroups.txt
Like in our case (see file subgroups.json) we used duplicated classnames. In biocache the subgroups file is working proper within this duplication of classnames.
In regions tool it appeared that the names show as often as given in the subgroups file. To merge or normalize the names I created a regionsGroups.json where the classnames only show once and others following left as blank String
In regions tool code I then refered to the file instead of refering to BIOCACHE_SERVICE_URL/explore/hierarchy to the appropriate regionsGrourp.json file on the server /data/regions/config
This is in the MetaData Server file //def responseGroups = getJSON("${BIOCACHE_SERVICE_URL}/explore/hierarchy") def responseGroups = JSON.parse(new File("/data/regions/config/regionsGroups.json").text)