AtlasOfLivingAustralia / spatial-hub

New spatial portal front end using AngularJS
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Grails 4 upgrade #420

Closed qifeng-bai closed 2 years ago

qifeng-bai commented 3 years ago

Includes: Spatial hub Spatial service

qifeng-bai commented 3 years ago

Known Issues:

max =-1 in hibernate is supported by > grails 4 Incompatible Grails.converter:

When grails 4 load configurations like this:

` projections:
      label: 'Pseudo-Mercator -- Spherical Mercator'
        code: 'EPSG:3857' # leaflet supported, uses startup lat,lon,zoom

      label: 'World Geodetic System 1984'
        code: 'EPSG:4326' # leaflet supported, uses startup lat,lon,zoom`

It does not treat it as a Map, and key is 3857, 4326.

It treats it as an array,  4326 is an index.  It ends up with an array of 4326 elements. 
We need to add "" on the number to turn it to string