AtlasOfLivingAustralia / specieslist-webapp

Species lists and traits tool
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Poor performance when queries on some lists which contains some bad KVPs, and failed to delete those lists #273

Closed qifeng-bai closed 1 year ago

qifeng-bai commented 1 year ago

This list put a large number of Latitudes and Longitudes as a KV pair into KVP table,

When we fired a GroupBy query on its KVP and generated >62000 records. The query took > 18 seconds on MySQL

select kvp.key, kvp.value, kvp.vocabValue, count(sli) as cnt from SpeciesListItem as sli ' +
                    'join sli.kvpValues as kvp where sli.dataResourceUid = :dataResourceUid ' +
                    "${q ? 'and (sli.matchedName like :matchedName or sli.commonName like :commonName or sli.rawScientificName like :rawScientificName) ' : ''} " +
                    'group by kvp.key, kvp.value, kvp.vocabValue, kvp.itemOrder order by kvp.itemOrder, kvp.key, cnt desc

Screenshot 2023-09-05 at 2 26 12 pm

Issues on "Delete" method 1, The transactional, delete(flush) cannot work with the list which contains a large number of KVP records. "Delete this list" will hanging around till time out.

2, Inconsistent actions on delete" methods: The delete method on server will redirect to 'list' page after deletion:

However, the frontend , the JS tries to reload current page, which is , for example: which Since dr7585 has been deleted, it will return a warning that the list cannot be found.

qifeng-bai commented 1 year ago

After discussed with Peggy, those two bad records should be deleted

PR: #274 Fix deletion


Go to : Delete "ALA_alc"

@peggynewman Can you please test the deletion function for me?

yasima-csiro commented 1 year ago

Test passed. Ala_alc was successfully deleted.