AtlasOfLivingAustralia / specieslist-webapp

Species lists and traits tool
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Lists - Identify a list as having IEK knowledge #98

Open RobinaSanderson opened 5 years ago

RobinaSanderson commented 5 years ago

As an indigenous knowledge holder I want to identify my list of IEK data So that the data can be appropriately displayed

Background This feature will be used to identify which lists of names should appear as Indigenous names on BIE species pages.

This could be done as a list type, if the type is able to be changed after creation. We also need to know if there is going to be a more generic type for names of any description and whether a list can be more than one type. If lists can only be one type, we may need to have an IEK names type and a more generic names type.


  1. Allow a list to be identified as containing IEK on creation
  2. Allow a list to be edited after creation to identify it contains IEK
  3. Only the Role ALA Admin is able to set or remove this identification
  4. Ensure a user of the lists tool can see the identification (as a tag or type or other identifying characteristic)
  5. Allow searching in lists by the IEK identification.

TBC Check with devs whether it makes sense to split these requirements

m-hope commented 5 years ago

If we are going to use the lists tool to store IEK names, then adding an IEK name list type should be fairly simple and would satisfy requirements 1-4 (noting that the owner of a list would also be able to set/remove the tag, as well as ALA Admins). Searching across list types (and/or other list attributes) is currently not available and may have to wait to be implemented as part of the general list tool upgrade.

However, I wonder if a better solution would be to (a) create a generic name list type (that would be used to import any names list into the ALA name index), and (b) have a separate field/checkbox for "verified IEK data" (as is already done for Invasive or Threatened species data). This would require more work, but would be a much more flexible solution, as a list can currently only have one type and there may be IEK data in the future that isn't a names list.

RobinaSanderson commented 5 years ago

As a short term solution this can be done in the backend as a configurable field on the list. We should split out the UI requirements and put that on the back log.

m-hope commented 5 years ago

To further clarify, the ability to mark a names list as containing IEK data from a system perspective (ie: so the system can recognise IEK names) is a very simple configuration change in the backend. However, the capability to tag a list as IEK knowledge is only really useful from a user perspective if this can be searched on in the Lists tool. As this search functionality is not yet available, implementing a tag feature is not really effective in this initial release of work for the IEK names project.

m-hope commented 5 years ago

Specific task to complete: create a tag in the ALA name index config file that identifies a name list in the Lists tool as being IEK. This 'tag' will identify names that need to be handled as IEK names (eg: for bie-plugin/#148, generic-bie/#4, and bie-plugin/#149).