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Update iNaturalist biocache query to use alau_user_id field #78

Closed peggynewman closed 4 years ago

peggynewman commented 4 years ago

Update the biocache queries on the user profile page related to inaturalist such that they look for the user id in the alau_user_id field.

Example links below:

View iNaturalist observations:<inatLogin> View iNaturalist and Sightings:<inatLogin>%20OR%20alau_user_id:%<alaUserId>%22

nickdos commented 4 years ago

So the text:

View your timeline of sightings recorded through the Atlas

should be changed to

View iNaturalist observations and View iNaturalist and Sightings

as separate dot points?

Because there is a delay in between submitting a sighting (in iNat) and it appearing in the Biocahce, we might want to link back to the user's account in iNatalist (which will be up-to-date). We've previously had support tickets about this, as users assume the 2 systems are linked (in real-time).

peggynewman commented 4 years ago

We agreed to leave this one because users don't like change, and now I think it's actually worded quite well and I think it should stay.

I wonder if we should add these links underneath (if the accounts are linked):

I want to keep the links in the grey box because it gives a visual indication of why linking your accounts was a useful thing to do. Although perhaps we can change it to say:

You can now use the above links to find your iNaturalist observations in the ALA. Records are harvested from iNaturalist weekly.

peggynewman commented 4 years ago

Duplicate of #77