Open jobafett2012 opened 5 years ago
I am sorry, but I couldn't reproduce your problem. I tried 3 different files, as you will see below:
Add-ConfluenceAttachment -PageID $ -FilePath $largeFile
ID : 265846790 Status : current Title : Filename : MediaType : application/zip FileSize : 8682859 Comment : SpaceKey : RD PageID : 215187457 Version : 1 URL :
Get-ConfluenceAttachment -PageID $ | select title,filesize
Title FileSize ----- -------- 8682859 LexaPrinterOne_1.10.bin 1036736 54456
what version of the module are you using? what version of confluence are you using?
Confluence Version: 6.13.4 AtlassianPS/ConfluencePS Version: 2.5
I did some testing and for every 1MB your uploaded file is, the PowerShell process' memory usage increases by ~1,600MB.
Confluence Cloud 1000.0.0-52f4e0df752 ConfluencePS Version: 2.5
I did some testing and for every 1MB your uploaded file is, the PowerShell process' memory usage increases by ~1,600MB.
Confluence Cloud 1000.0.0-52f4e0df752 ConfluencePS Version: 2.5
This is pretty similar to the behavior we experience. I assume there hasn't been any progress on finding and possibly correcting this?
Sorry, no. I didn't have had time to look into this yet
Also seeing this on: Confluence 6.10.1 ConfluencePS 2.5
Not sure if the issue is with the module or the confluence rest API. I've been able to work around the issue by using a webclient upload method that I guessed would work from seeing it on a jira thread.
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = "Basic "+[System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(($credential.UserName+":"+[System.Runtime.InteropServices.marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($credential.Password)) )))}
$wc = new-object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.Headers.Add("Authorization", $headers.Authorization)
$wc.Headers.Add("X-Atlassian-Token", "nocheck")
$wc.UploadFile("<site>/rest/api/content/<pageid>/child/attachment/", $filepath)
I have this same issue. spudrus's workaround works for me.
ConfluencePS 2.5 PSVersion 5.1.18362.145
Name : Visual Studio Code Host Version : 2019.9.0
Confluence Cloud Confluence 1000.0.0
When attempting to upload any files larger than 2MB (2-7MB in our case) to a page in our Confluence space, powershell's memory usage on the client machine doing the uploading spikes to 2-3GB and the upload never completes. We can upload files less than 2MB quickly and without issue, and we have confirmed with our Atlassian team that the max file size for REST API uploads is 10MB. We are on the latest version of AtlassianPS and our server is on Confluence version 6.13.4