AtlassianPS / JiraPS

PowerShell module to interact with Atlassian JIRA
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How to set Epic Link on Jira ticket creation? #293

Open scottsavarese opened 6 years ago

scottsavarese commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to open a story in Jira and attach it to an Epic. In my environment the "Epic Link" custom field is required.

I've tried:

$fields = @{ "Epic Link" = $issue.key }
$fields = @{ "Epic Link" = @( $issue.key ) }
$fields = @{ "Epic Link = @( @{ key = $issue.Key } ) }

where $issue.Key is from a previous ticket getting created. I get internal server errors or "String value expected as the Epic Key."

What is the correct way to do this during ticket creation?

lipkau commented 6 years ago

We need more context in order to help you. Here is was I ran:

I ♥ PS> $epic = new-jiraissue -Project TV -IssueType Epic -Summary "This is an epic" -Priority 1 -Reporter admin -field @{ "Epic Name" = "This is an epic" }
I ♥ PS> $feature = new-jiraissue -Project TV -IssueType Task -Summary "This is a Feature" -Priority 1 -Reporter admin -field @{ "Epic Link" = $epic.key }
I ♥ PS> (get-jirafield "Epic Link").id
I ♥ PS> $feature.customfield_10006
scottsavarese commented 6 years ago

That's essentially what I'm trying to do... But I'll give you my code (with all my company's bits taken out)

` $ticketparms = @{

Project = "PROJ"

IssueType = "Story"

Summary = "blah blah"

Reporter = $cred.UserName # the credentials being used to log in to Jira.. me

Description = "Something cool goes here"

Priority = 1 # Makes it a P1

Fields = @{

  "Assignee" = @{ name = $cred.UserName }

  "fixVersions" = @( @{ name = "string" } )

  "Epic Link" = "PROJ-1234"



$issue = New-JiraIssue @ticketparms `

(Sorry for the new lines, but it all wrapped if I didn't use them) The error I get is a 500 - InternalServerError. Am I not using your code correctly?

When I use get-jirafield to get "Epic Link"'s information, it says that the schema is of type "array" which usually means I need @( and ) around the value, like this, no?

"Epic Link" = @( "PROJ-1234" )

When I do that, I get "String value expected as the Epic key".

No idea what I'm doing wrong over here....

dezren39 commented 6 years ago

Wow what timing! This was a super helpful bit of advice. I just went to figure this out and there's an issue from a few hours ago, lol. When this is eventually closed, do these still remain available? Trying to find a thing I can bookmark to reference.

@scottsavarese , (get-jirafield "Epic Link").id = 'PROJ-1234'

lipkau commented 6 years ago

Oh... that's weird. my Epic Link is different:

I ♥ PS> get-jirafield "Epic Link"

ID          : customfield_10006
Searchable  : True
Schema      : @{type=any; custom=com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-link; customId=10006}
Name        : Epic Link
Custom      : True
Navigable   : True
Orderable   : True
ClauseNames : {cf[10006], Epic Link}
JustAnotherDevOps commented 4 years ago

I was able to get this to work by doing the following:

  1. Find an existing case with an Epic attached and note the key.
  2. Run Get-JiraIssue -Key 'JIRA-1234' | Format-List *
  3. Track down your Epic Key from the list of fields. In my case it was customfield_10006: JIRA-9999
  4. Use Get-JiraField to get the Name:
    PS C:\GIT> Get-JiraField -Field 'customfield_10006'

ID : customfield_10006 Searchable : True Schema : @{type=any; custom=com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-epic-link; customId=10006} Name : Epic Link Custom : True Navigable : True Orderable : True ClauseNames : {cf[10006], Epic Link}

5. Add the Name and the Epic Key as a string to New-JiraIssue as a Fields array:

$parameters = @{ Project = "JIRA" IssueType = "User Story" Fields = @{ "Epic Link" = 'JIRA-9999' } Summary = "Created using JiraPS" Description = "This is a rad description" } $jiraIssue = New-JiraIssue @parameters

Hope this assists in others getting around this issue.