AtlassianPS / JiraPS

PowerShell module to interact with Atlassian JIRA
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New-JiraSession failed to get an answer from the server #364

Closed ABricka closed 4 years ago

ABricka commented 4 years ago


Hello, I got an issue when trying to create a New-JiraSession. For sure, we're using JiraCloud. Using the verbose parameter I see : VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Failed to get an answer from the server

I also tried to use the headers with a created API Token but with no results.

Your Environment

The 3 tries I done with different issues troubleshooting found.

The first one, classic :

$gcred = Get-Credential -Message "Please log in with your JIRA credentials"
Set-JiraConfigServer '' -Verbose
New-JiraSession -Credential $gcred -Verbose


VERBOSE: [Set-JiraConfigServer] Function Started
VERBOSE: [Set-JiraConfigServer] Complete
VERBOSE: [New-JiraSession] Function Started
VERBOSE: [Get-JiraConfigServer] Function Started
VERBOSE: [Get-JiraConfigServer] Complete
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Function Started
VERBOSE: [ConvertTo-GetParameter] Making HTTP get parameter string out of a hashtable
Name                    Value
----                    ----
maxResults              25

VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Get
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Failed to get an answer from the server
VERBOSE: [Test-ServerResponse] Checking response headers for authentication errors
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] No Web result object aws returned from. This is unusual !
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Function ended
VERBOSE: [New-JiraSession] Complete

The second try :

$password = ConvertTo-SecureString 'APIToken' -AsPlainText -Force
$creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('',$password)
New-JiraSession -Credential $creds -Verbose


VERBOSE: [New-JiraSession] Function Started
VERBOSE: [Get-JiraConfigServer] Function Started
VERBOSE: [Get-JiraConfigServer] Complete
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Function Started
VERBOSE: [ConvertTo-GetParameter] Making HTTP get parameter string out of a hashtable
Name                    Value
----                    ----
maxResults              25

VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Get
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Failed to get an answer from the server
VERBOSE: [Test-ServerResponse] Checking response headers for authentication errors
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] No Web result object aws returned from. This is unusual !
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Function ended
VERBOSE: [New-JiraSession] Complete

The third try :

function ConvertTo-Base64($string) {
   $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($string)
   $encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
   return $encoded
function Get-HttpBasicHeader($Headers = @{}) {
   $credentials = Get-Credential -Message "Please log in with your GSuite credentials (mail address and API token)"
   [string]$username = $credentials.UserName
   [string]$password = $credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password
   $b64 = ConvertTo-Base64 "$($username):$($password)"
   $Headers["Authorization"] = "Basic $b64"
   $Headers["X-Atlassian-Token"] = "nocheck"
   return $Headers
$header = Get-HttpBasicHeader
Get-JiraIssue SR-2317 -Verbose


VERBOSE: [Get-JiraIssue] Function Started
VERBOSE: [Get-JiraConfigServer] Function Started
VERBOSE: [Get-JiraConfigServer] Complete
VERBOSE: [Get-JiraIssue] Processing [SR-2317]
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Function Started
VERBOSE: [ConvertTo-GetParameter] Making HTTP get parameter string out of a hashtable
Name                    Value
----                    ----
expand                  transitions
maxResults              25
fields                  *all

VERBOSE: [Get-JiraSession] Function Started
VERBOSE: [Get-JiraSession] Complete
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Get*all
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Failed to get an answer from the server
VERBOSE: [Test-ServerResponse] Checking response headers for authentication errors
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] No Web result object aws returned from. This is unusual !
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Function ended
VERBOSE: [Get-JiraIssue] Complete
ABricka commented 4 years ago

Hi guys, I'm already in trouble and don't work anymore. Have you any kind of solution or viewing some mistakes by me ?

lipkau commented 4 years ago

Hi @ABricka

are you sure about the :8080 in that url? never saw that on before.

what do you get in the browser (in which you have previously logged in to your jira server) when you open*all ?

ABricka commented 4 years ago

Hi @lipkau , Thank you for your reply. You're on a good point with that :8080, by the browser i have a blank page after a long loading, without :8080 the informations inside the browser appears, i can identify my comments inside all the text. I don't really know why i'm using this :8080 for jira, i use it for another tool but that's all.

And yes it works well now, thanks a lot 👍