AtlassianPS / JiraPS

PowerShell module to interact with Atlassian JIRA
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Jira 2.12.0 can no longer query my Jira Server #372

Closed glennsarti closed 4 years ago

glennsarti commented 4 years ago


I have automation to query my on premises Jira server. It did a basic Jira Issue query

However as of Jira 2.12.0 this functionality is silently failing.

Running some debugging I've found the following:

Jira 2.12

VERBOSE: [Get-JiraIssue] Function started
VERBOSE: [Get-JiraConfigServer] Function started
VERBOSE: [Get-JiraConfigServer] Complete
VERBOSE: [ConvertTo-URLEncoded] Encoding string to URL
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Function started
VERBOSE: [ConvertTo-GetParameter] Making HTTP get parameter string out of a hashtable
Name                           Value
----                           -----
validateQuery                  True
maxResults                     25
fields                         -comment
expand                         transitions
jql                            project+%3d+%22Puppet+Development+Kit%22+and+fixVersion+%3d+%22PDK+August+Release%22

VERBOSE: [Get-JiraSession] Function started
VERBOSE: [Get-JiraSession] Complete
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Get"Puppet+Development+Kit"+and+fixVersion+%3d+"PDK+August+Release"
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Failed to get an answer from the server
VERBOSE: [Test-ServerResponse] Checking response headers for authentication errors
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Status code: NotFound
VERBOSE: [Resolve-ErrorWebResponse] Function started
VERBOSE: [Resolve-ErrorWebResponse] Retrieved body of HTTP response for more information about the error ($responseBody)
VERBOSE: [Resolve-ErrorWebResponse] Function ended
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Function ended
VERBOSE: [Get-JiraIssue] Complete

Jira 2.11.1

VERBOSE: [Get-JiraIssue] Function started
VERBOSE: [Get-JiraConfigServer] Function started
VERBOSE: [Get-JiraConfigServer] Complete
VERBOSE: [ConvertTo-URLEncoded] Encoding string to URL
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Function started
VERBOSE: [ConvertTo-GetParameter] Making HTTP get parameter string out of a hashtable
Name                           Value

----                           -----

expand                         transitions

validateQuery                  True

maxResults                     25

fields                         -comment


VERBOSE: [Get-JiraSession] Function started
VERBOSE: [Get-JiraSession] Complete
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Get
VERBOSE: [Test-ServerResponse] Checking response headers for authentication errors
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Status code: 200
VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Invoking pagination [currentTotal: 0]

VERBOSE: [Invoke-JiraMethod] Function ended
VERBOSE: [Get-JiraIssue] Complete

Note the url used:

2.12.0 - 2.11.1 -

Indeed hitting those URLs manually, Jira is throwing a 404 for the double slash URL.

I suspect this is related to

Also no warnings or errors are thrown which is a concern. Surely a 404 should surface something.

Steps To Reproduce

Expected behavior

Should query and return the issues


Your Environment

Get-Module JiraPS -ListAvailable | Select Name, Version

PS C:\projects\pdk-planning> Get-Module JiraPS -ListAvailable | Select Name, Version

Name Version

JiraPS 2.12.0

## Possible Solution

Workaround - pin to 2.11.1 until fixed.
lipkau commented 4 years ago

Thank you for reporting this. Fix should come out today.

btw: can I suggest

    if ($Issue.Status -in @('In progress', 'Ready for merge', 'Ready for test', 'Ready for ci', 'Ready for review')) { $hash['expectedColumn'] = 'In progress'}

for ?

glennsarti commented 4 years ago

Yeah. It grew organically so it's not quite fully optimised.