AtlassianPS / JiraPS

PowerShell module to interact with Atlassian JIRA
MIT License
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Get changelog/transition history for Jira Issue #395

Open boldperrotta opened 4 years ago

boldperrotta commented 4 years ago

name: Expand Changelog for Jira Issues about: Add ability to pull changelog for issues


We are trying to pull data from an issue regarding when it transitions. Essentially to calculate how long an issue stays in a specific status. Feature appears to be missing from module, but API is available to pull it.


It would be great if this functionality could be added to a new function or the existing Get-JiraIssue function. Any capabilities to pull dates when a Jira Issue transitions would be great also, but just being able to pull the changelog would be great.

Additional Information

StackOverflow link with more info:

lipkau commented 4 years ago

There is already a POC branch for fetching the history of a ticket:

but no ETA on the published module