AtlassianPS / JiraPS

PowerShell module to interact with Atlassian JIRA
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Update Invoke-JiraIssueTransition.ps1 #417

Closed Rufus125 closed 4 years ago

Rufus125 commented 4 years ago

Increase the JSON transformation depth


As can be seen by comparing the output of the last two commands, the "System.Collections.Hashtable" is not serialized and therefore the transition fails.

#create the fields object for a MultiGroupPicker/Multiselect/MultiUserPicker/VersionPicker field as can be found here:
$service = @(1)
$service_key_hashtable = @{key = 'JIRA-13961'}
$service[0] = $service_key_hashtable
$fields = @{customfield_12200 = $service}
ConvertTo-Json $fields #output just to compare it to the HTTP request
    "customfield_12200":  [
                                  "key":  "JIRA-13961"

$newji = New-JiraIssue -Project "proj" -IssueType "Incident" -summary "summary"

$transition = $newji.Transition | where Name -eq "2nd level"

$resp = Invoke-JiraIssueTransition -Issue $newji -Transition $transition -Fields $fields -Verbose

ConvertTo-Json $requestBody -Depth 4
    "transition":  {
                       "id":  "113"
    "fields":  {
                   "assignee":  {
                                    "name":  null
    "update":  {
                   "customfield_12200":  [
                                                 "set":  [

ConvertTo-Json $requestBody -Depth 5

    "transition":  {
                       "id":  "113"
    "fields":  {
                   "assignee":  {
                                    "name":  null
    "update":  {
                   "customfield_12200":  [
                                                 "set":  [
                                                                 "key":  "JIRA-13961"

Motivation and Context

Types of changes
