AtlassianPS / JiraPS

PowerShell module to interact with Atlassian JIRA
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Get-JiraIssueEditMetadata has no -Project parameter. Get-JiraIssueEditMetadata does #478

Open hkelley opened 1 year ago

hkelley commented 1 year ago


I use the Get-JiraIssueCreateMetadata cmdlet today to get a list of fields for the issue type and then I use that schema to convert customfield names to friendly names. This works well except for fields that are not in the create screens.


I tried to use the Get-JiraIssueEditMetadata cmdlet to fetch the schema but it doesn't support the -Project, meaning I would have to fetch once per issue.

##  Currently use "Create" but would prefer to use "Edit"
$fieldschema = Get-JiraIssueCreateMetadata -Project $JiraProjectKey -IssueType 'Task'
##  Get a map of custom fields for translation/rename
$customFields = $fieldschema | ?{$_.Id -like "customfield_*"}
$personFields = $fieldschema | ?{$_.Schema.Type -eq "user"}

$issues = Get-JiraIssue -Query "project = '$JiraProjectKey' AND created >= -$($LookbackDays)d"

foreach($issue in $issues)
    # Fix up custom fields
    foreach($cf in $customFields)
        if($issueField = $issue.psobject.Properties[$cf.Id])
            $issue | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $cf.Name -NotePropertyValue $issueField.Value
        {  # stub out the field with a null for consistent CSV exporting
            $issue | Add-Member -NotePropertyName $cf.Name -NotePropertyValue $null

    # Promote the display name for user fields
    foreach($pf in $personfields)
        if($f = $issue.PSobject.Properties[$($pf.Name)])
            $f.Value = $f.Value.DisplayName

    # for all others, de-reference anything that has a "value" field
    foreach($f in $issue.PSObject.Properties)
        if($f.Value.Value -ne $null)
            $f.Value = $f.Value.Value

    Write-Output $issue

Could you add the -Project to Get-JiraIssueEditMetadata?