I updated my switch to 11.0 and use atmosphere 16.0 After I did it
After that, I downgraded my switch to 10.2.0 used Choidujour
And now I still can turn on my switch with an SD card inside but when I take it out my switch can't turn on,
it's like my switch missing the firmware and maybe firmware was moving to SD card,
please help
Bug Report
[ If any section does not apply, replace its contents with "N/A". ]
[ Lines between [ ] (square brackets) should be removed before posting. ]
[ * ]
[ Note: If the bug or crash you encountered is related to; ]
[ - software used to make "backups", ] " I have the backup file for my switch"
[ - software explicitly distributed for piracy, etc ]
[ then contributors will not provide support for your issue and your issue will be closed. ]
What's the issue you encountered?
[ Describe the issue in detail and what you were doing beforehand. ]
"- I updated my switch to 11.0 and use atmosphere 16.0 After I did it
After that, I downgraded my switch to 10.2.0 used Choidujour
And now I still can turn on my switch with an SD card inside but when I take it out my switch can't turn on,
it's like my switch missing the firmware and maybe firmware was moving to SD card,"
[ Did you make any changes related to Atmosphère itself? ]
[ If so, make sure to include details relating to what exactly you changed. ]
How can the issue be reproduced?
[ * ]
[ Include a detailed step by step process for recreating your issue. ]
Crash Report
[ Crash reports can be found under /atmosphere/crash_reports. ]
[ If your issue caused Atmosphère to crash, include the crash report(s) by creating a gist and pasting the link here. ]
[ If you don't include a crash report in instances of crash related issues, we will ask you one to provide one. ]
System Firmware Version
[ Replace X's with system firmware version at time of crash. ]
[ You can find your firmware version in the Settings -> System, under "System Update". ]
[ If it says "Update Pending", you can clear the pending update by rebooting to Maintenance Mode. ]
What bootloader (fusèe, hekate, etc) was Atmosphère launched by:
Official release or unofficial build:
[ Official release version 10.2.0 (or) unofficial build ]
[ If using an unofficial build, include details on where/how you acquired the build. ]
[ Ex: Self-compilation ]
[ Ex: Kosmos' distribution of Atmosphère ]
Do you have additional kips or sysmodules you're loading:
Bug Report
[ If any section does not apply, replace its contents with "N/A". ] [ Lines between [ ] (square brackets) should be removed before posting. ]
[ * ] [ Note: If the bug or crash you encountered is related to; ] [ - software used to make "backups", ] " I have the backup file for my switch" [ - software explicitly distributed for piracy, etc ] [ then contributors will not provide support for your issue and your issue will be closed. ]
What's the issue you encountered?
[ Describe the issue in detail and what you were doing beforehand. ] "- I updated my switch to 11.0 and use atmosphere 16.0 After I did it
[ Did you make any changes related to Atmosphère itself? ] "NO" [ If so, make sure to include details relating to what exactly you changed. ]
How can the issue be reproduced?
[ * ] [ Include a detailed step by step process for recreating your issue. ]
Crash Report
[ Crash reports can be found under
. ] [ If your issue caused Atmosphère to crash, include the crash report(s) by creating a gist and pasting the link here. ] [ If you don't include a crash report in instances of crash related issues, we will ask you one to provide one. ]System Firmware Version
X.X.X [ Replace X's with system firmware version at time of crash. ] [ You can find your firmware version in the Settings -> System, under "System Update". ] [ If it says "Update Pending", you can clear the pending update by rebooting to Maintenance Mode. ]
Additional context?