Closed RoyallyOblivious closed 3 years ago
1) You didn't fill out the issue template
2) Update atmosphere, fusee-secondary doesn't exist for several months now.
I did fill out the template, also I did update atmosphere, it still pops up
The template is not filled out.
i am quite sure your issue is a user problem -- this issue tracker is for bugs.
seek support in the Nintendo homebrew or ReSwitched discords.
Bug Report
[ If any section does not apply, replace its contents with "N/A". ] [ Lines between [ ] (square brackets) should be removed before posting. ]
[ * ] [ Note: If the bug or crash you encountered is related to; ] [ - software used to make "backups", ] [ - software explicitly distributed for piracy, etc ] [ then contributors will not provide support for your issue and your issue will be closed. ]
What's the issue you encountered?
[ The Fatal Error code (stated above) showed up and I did everything to make atmosphere work again, but I keep getting that error]
How can the issue be reproduced?
[ * ] [ I downloaded the new firmware release here and unzipped the file into my SD card, then booted it with fusee, but it showed the error message and I didn't change anything internal in atmosphere. ]
Crash Report
[ Crash reports can be found under
. ] [ If your issue caused Atmosphère to crash, include the crash report(s) by creating a gist and pasting the link here. ] [ If you don't include a crash report in instances of crash related issues, we will ask you one to provide one. ]System Firmware Version
13.1.0 [ Replace X's with system firmware version at time of crash. ] [ You can find your firmware version in the Settings -> System, under "System Update". ] [ If it says "Update Pending", you can clear the pending update by rebooting to Maintenance Mode. ]
Additional context?