AtomCrafty / UniversalInjectorFramework

A framework to inject your own code into Windows applications.
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Adding a function #3

Closed Cosetto closed 8 months ago

Cosetto commented 8 months ago

Hello there, the Window Manager function works very great, but I wonder is it possible to add a function like it for text in exe? Like this link You have RVA (Relative Virtual Address), and you can change the text at that address. image

But the problem is I want to use it in your proxies because it converts Ansi to UTF16 for special characters.

AtomCrafty commented 8 months ago

If you're implementing a custom UIF feature, you can use patch_memory from utils.h. That works essentially the same as your SysMemWrite function. But UIF actually already comes with a built-in feature that can do this without any code modifications. Apparently I forgot to write documentation for it in the readme, so here is how to use it.

Just add the following to your uif_config.json:

  "memory_patcher": {
    "enable": true,
    "patches": {
      "myTargetModule.dll+0016BDB4h": "54 6F 61 6E 20 6D 61 6E 20 68 69 6E 68 20 28 4F 29 00",
      "myTargetModule.dll+00172CB4h": "43 68 75 79 82 BA 6E 20 74 82 BC 6E 68 20 63 75 82 B1 69 0A 63 82 C1 6E 67 20 74 72 82 B5 6E 20 54 72 82 9F 69 20 83 83 82 A5 74 2E 00"

If your image_base refers to the main executable, you can omit the myTargetModule.dll+ part of the addresses. Also note that the address offset must end in h or H to signal that it's a hexadecimal number, otherwise it's parsed as decimal. The patch bytes must be separated by a single space and if any of them are less than 16, they need a leading zero.

When working with text, make sure to include the null terminator in the patch bytes. And keep in mind that the patched text can't be longer than the original one, because then it might override other data.

Cosetto commented 8 months ago

image Hm, I tried with utf8 hex, but it turned out like this.

Aside from that, what is the format we use to patch with string?

AtomCrafty commented 8 months ago

Well the new string has to use the same encoding as the original. The code processing these strings doesn't magically get changed to support UTF-8 if it expects to find Shift-JIS strings.

So the next step is to determine which API ultimately consumes the string. That would probably be InsertMenu or a related function, since it ends up in a popup menu. The UIF text processing features (tunnel_decoder and character_substitution) currently don't support those menu APIs, but they should be fairly straightforward to add hooks for. Assuming the program uses codepage 932 / Shift-JIS, you can encode the string with arc's tunnel encoding. Then we'd just need to implement the appropriate hook for the tunnel decoder.

I was planning a rework of the entire text processing subsystem in the near-ish future, so I can look into adding support for the relevant APIs. I can't make any promises regarding times though, so if you want to add the hooks yourself, check out the existing hooks in tunnel_decoder.cpp.

Aside from that, what is the format we use to patch with string?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that. Are you asking whether there is a way to specify the replacement string directly instead of converting it to a byte sequence manually? If so the answer is no, patch data currently has to be specified in the format described above. That may change in the future, but so far it wasn't necessary.

Cosetto commented 8 months ago

Ah, I see. Thank you for your answer. Guess I'll wait for that day to come.

AtomCrafty commented 8 months ago

@Cosetto could you share the executable so I can check which function needs to be hooked?

Cosetto commented 8 months ago

@AtomCrafty Here

AtomCrafty commented 8 months ago

Which proxy dll are you using?

Cosetto commented 8 months ago

I'm using winmm

AtomCrafty commented 8 months ago Please check whether this works.

Cosetto commented 8 months ago

Edit: I forgot to disable the old hook image It seems like nothing changed

AtomCrafty commented 8 months ago

Could you copy/paste the console output for me to check?

Cosetto commented 8 months ago

DllMain: attach InstallDelayedAttachHook: start InstallDelayedAttachHook: no target module specified InstallDelayedAttachHook: transaction InstallDelayedAttachHook: end Attach: run Attach: unhook injector::attach: enabled DllMain: detach

AtomCrafty commented 8 months ago

Not the log file, the output shown in the console window that should open with the program. Should look something like this. image

Cosetto commented 8 months ago

Universal Injector Framework, created by AtomCrafty, 2021 Loaded configuration: { "allocate_console": true, "text_processor": { "conversion_codepage": 65001, "enable": true, "enabled_apis": [ "AppendMenuA" ], "rules": [ { "apis": [ "AppendMenuA" ], "match": "Full screen (&O)", "replacement": "Toàn màn hình", "type": "replace_full_string" } ] } } [injector] ====================================================== [injector] Injecting into module eden_en.exe at address 00400000 [injector] Loading original library from C:\Windows\system32\winmm.dll [text_processor] Hooking import AppendMenuA in eden_en.exe at 005492E4 --> 6C831680 [injector] Initialization complete [injector] ======================================================

AtomCrafty commented 8 months ago I added some debug output, maybe that will shed some light on what's going on here.

Btw if you use Discord, you can add me there (@atomcrafty). That might be easier for this kind of troubleshooting.

AtomCrafty commented 8 months ago I think I found the issue. Try this one.

Cosetto commented 8 months ago

image Oh nice, it works! Thank you so much!

AtomCrafty commented 8 months ago


Cosetto commented 8 months ago

image So, is the correct way to continue?

AtomCrafty commented 8 months ago

Every rule definition needs to be in its own {} block. image

Cosetto commented 8 months ago


Cosetto commented 8 months ago

image Weird, this time the "window_manager" didn't work

[window_manager] Warning: Unable to hook import DefWindowProcA because it has already been hooked by feature text_processor

The title uses Unicode, so I have to use the "text_processor" for it too?

AtomCrafty commented 8 months ago

text_processor replaces all of the old text modification features, including window_manager. Use this configuration instead: image

Cosetto commented 8 months ago

image @AtomCrafty Any idea for Unicode string?

AtomCrafty commented 8 months ago

Add MessageBoxW to the enabled_apis list and use this rule:

    "type": "replace_full_string",
    "apis": ["MessageBoxW"],
    "match": "Are you sure you want to exit?",
    "replacement": "Translation here"
Cosetto commented 8 months ago

Lol, it seems like each Unicode string has bytes to indicate the length before it. So that was why it didn't catch full string. image

AtomCrafty commented 8 months ago

How the data is represented in memory shouldn't matter at all, since UIF doesn't touch it there. This data is manipulated by the application and the end result is ultimately passed to one of the MessageBox__ functions. It only matters what is passed to that function since that is where UIF does the replacement. But looking at the executable it appears that it uses MessageBoxA instead of MessageBoxW, so try replacing both instances in your config.

Cosetto commented 8 months ago

Oh, it works now. Thanks again pal!

Cosetto commented 8 months ago

Sorry for bothering you again, but it looks like there are few more string which don't use MessageBoxA. Do you know how to determine which api they use? image image

AtomCrafty commented 8 months ago

The program probably never sets the text explicitly, but just tells Windows to create the dialog from that template. So there is no API UIF could intercept to change the string. Looks like you're already using Resource Hacker, so the easiest option would be to just edit the dialog template right there.

Cosetto commented 8 months ago


staciaa123 commented 4 months ago

Hi @AtomCrafty Could you add a function to support changing the font size?

AtomCrafty commented 4 months ago

@staciaa123 Please create a separate issue for your feature request.