AtomLinter / atom-minimap-linter

Atom package to display linter markers on minimap
MIT License
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minimap items disappear #51

Closed trusktr closed 4 years ago

trusktr commented 6 years ago

I don't know what causes it, but half of the time I have no minimap markings showing the linter errors.

I'll post back if I find more info.

trusktr commented 6 years ago

It just happened again. No errors in the console. Screenshot (no red lines in the minimap):

screen shot 2018-11-04 at 1 16 10 pm

Here's versions of everything:

debug info with package info ```json { "atom": "1.32.0", "platform": "darwin", "release": "18.0.0", "vmpVersion": "1.35.0", "vmpConfig": {}, "activeCommunityPackages": [ "language-javascript-jsx: 0.3.7", "atom-material-syntax: 1.0.8", "aligner-javascript: 1.3.0", "atom-domterm: 0.6.0", "atom-vim-like-tab: 1.5.2", "autocomplete-modules: 2.2.2", "autocomplete-paths: 2.12.2", "better-git-blame: 0.4.7", "busy-signal: 1.4.3", "docblockr: 0.13.7", "emmet: 2.4.3", "ex-mode-sort: 1.0.0", "file-icons: 2.1.21", "file-watcher: 1.2.6", "git-plus: 8.1.0", "hey-pane: 1.1.0", "highlight-line: 0.12.0", "highlight-selected: 0.13.1", "hyperclick: 0.1.5", "imdone-atom: 2.4.29", "indent-guide-improved: 1.4.13", "intentions: 1.1.5", "keystroke: 0.4.0", "linter: 2.2.0", "linter-eslint: 8.4.1", "linter-ui-default: 1.7.1", "linter-ui-plus: 0.3.2", "minimap: 4.29.8", "minimap-bookmarks: 0.4.2", "minimap-git-diff: 4.3.1", "minimap-highlight-selected: 4.6.1", "minimap-linter: 2.2.1", "minimap-pigments: 0.2.2", "minimap-quick-highlight: 1.0.1", "pigments: 0.40.2", "prettier-atom: 0.55.2", "project-plus: 1.0.0", "quick-highlight: 0.13.0", "split-diff: 1.4.0", "teletype: 0.13.2", "todo-show: 2.3.0", "trailing-spaces: 0.4.0", "tree-view-git-status: 1.5.0", "vim-mode-plus: 1.35.0", "vim-mode-plus-keymaps-for-surround: 0.2.1", "editorconfig: 2.2.2", "language-pug: 0.0.22", "language-jenkinsfile: 0.1.1", "language-vue: 0.23.1", "atom-typescript: 12.6.3", "ex-mode: 0.18.0" ] } ```
trusktr commented 6 years ago

If I run Typescript: Clear Error (from the atom-typescript package), they seem to come back after it reloads the errors.

screen shot 2018-11-04 at 1 18 18 pm

Not sure if it is a problem here, or in atom-typescript.

Arcanemagus commented 4 years ago

I'm going to close this as there have been many ecosystem updates since this was filed that might have changed how this works. If you are still having issues please feel free to open a new issue so we can track this down.

lumotroph commented 3 years ago

Also facing this, not sure what I can do to help.