AtomLinter / linter-phpcs

Linter plugin for PHP, using PHP_CodeSniffer.
63 stars 31 forks source link

Something went wrong attempting to parse the PHPCS output. #351

Closed Skeeve closed 5 years ago

Skeeve commented 5 years ago

I receive this error even with this most basic file:


running phpcs on commandline with the same file gives me

$ phpcs Ohne\ Titel

FILE: […]/Ohne Titel
 1 | ERROR | Missing file doc comment

Time: 59ms; Memory: 4Mb

The Developer Tools do not output anything except for

PHPCS Response            main.js? [sm]:326

Some system Info

$ atom --version
Atom    : 1.31.1
Electron: 2.0.7
Chrome  : 61.0.3163.100
Node    : 8.9.3
$ apm list
Built-in Atom Packages (92)
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Community Packages (33) /Users/shk/.atom/packages
├── Sublime-Style-Column-Selection@1.7.5
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├── linter-phpcs@1.6.10
├── linter-python@3.1.2
├── linter-ui-default@1.7.1
├── php-cs-fixer@4.1.1 (disabled)
├── php-ide-serenata@4.5.0 (disabled)
├── project-manager@3.3.6
├── python-indent@1.1.6
├── python-tools@0.6.9
├── standard-formatter@2.8.0
└── symbols-tree-view@0.14.0 (disabled)
Skeeve commented 5 years ago

Seems it's the Joomla standard I use. Running

$ phpcs --standard=Joomla Ohne\ Titel

FILE: /Users/shk/Projects/SIWECOS/business-logic-api/Ohne Titel
 1 | ERROR | Missing file doc comment

Time: 97ms; Memory: 4Mb

Gives an additional "E" as first character :( Maybe that's the issue.

After a few tests: It isn't.

Skeeve commented 5 years ago

I've experimented a bit more.

Seems this is the commandline executed by the plugin

phpcs --report=json -q --encoding=UTF-8 --warning-severity=2 --tab-width=4 -s --stdin-path='Ohne Titel' -

My understanding is that phpcs should parse my file from commandline.

Unfortunately executing above command simply hangs on my Mac. Something's really weird here.


phpcs --report=json -q --encoding=UTF-8 --warning-severity=2 --tab-width=4 -s 'Ohne Titel'

works as expected.

Skeeve commented 5 years ago

More tests revealed that I have to execute:

phpcs --report=json -q --encoding=UTF-8 --warning-severity=2 --tab-width=4 -s --stdin-path='Ohne Titel' - < Ohne\ Titel
{"totals":{"errors":1,"warnings":0,"fixable":0},"files":{"\/Users\/shk\/Projects\/SIWECOS\/business-logic-api\/Ohne Titel":{"errors":1,"warnings":0,"messages":[{"message":"Missing file doc comment","source":"PEAR.Commenting.FileComment.Missing","severity":5,"type":"ERROR","line":1,"column":1,"fixable":false}]}}}

And - as you can see - the result is fine.

Nevertheless linter-phpcs receives receives an empty reply :(

Does no one have a clue what's going wrong here?

Skeeve commented 5 years ago

More tests revealed that I have to execute:

phpcs --report=json -q --encoding=UTF-8 --warning-severity=2 --tab-width=4 -s --stdin-path='Ohne Titel' - < Ohne\ Titel
{"totals":{"errors":1,"warnings":0,"fixable":0},"files":{"\/Users\/shk\/Projects\/SIWECOS\/business-logic-api\/Ohne Titel":{"errors":1,"warnings":0,"messages":[{"message":"Missing file doc comment","source":"PEAR.Commenting.FileComment.Missing","severity":5,"type":"ERROR","line":1,"column":1,"fixable":false}]}}}

And - as you can see - the result is fine.

Nevertheless linter-phpcs receives receives an empty reply :(

Does no one have a clue what's going wrong here?

I also tried to "ktrace" phpcs while called from atom. I have the feeling it's not started due to a page fault.

First few lines of the trace show:

walltime                          delta(us)(duration)    debug-id                             arg1             arg2             arg3             arg4             thread-id        cpu  process-name(pid)                             

2018-10-10 09:33:33.495931 CEST         0.0              UTrap_PageFault                      99b              e0fc3028         1                6d88581          fa5              2   Atom Helper(387)  
2018-10-10 09:33:33.495932 CEST         0.1              MACH_vmfault                         99b              99be0fc3000      0                0                fa5              2   Atom Helper(387)  
2018-10-10 09:33:33.495937 CEST         5.4(5.4)         MACH_vmfault                         99b              99be0fc3000      0                4                fa5              2   Atom Helper(387)  
2018-10-10 09:33:33.495990 CEST        53.3              9010026                              3214da1426cc8687 1                602              2                abb7             0   ktrace(1670)  
2018-10-10 09:33:33.495990 CEST         0.1              MACH_MKRUNNABLE                      5aef             4                0                4                abb7             0   ktrace(1670)  
2018-10-10 09:33:33.495991 CEST         0.4              MACH_SCHED_CHOOSE_PROCESSOR          5aef             1                3                4                abb7             0   ktrace(1670)  
2018-10-10 09:33:33.495991 CEST         0.5              CPUPM_PST_LOAD_TXFR                  3                4                0                0                abb7             0   ktrace(1670)  
2018-10-10 09:33:33.495991 CEST         0.1              MACH_SCHED_REMOTE_AST                3                0                0                0                abb7             0   ktrace(1670)  
2018-10-10 09:33:33.495992 CEST         1.0              CPUPM_IDLE_MWAIT                     4                60               0                1                94               3   kernel_task(0)  
2018-10-10 09:33:33.495992 CEST         0.0              INTERRUPT                            72               ffffff80002b513c 0                3                abb7             0   ktrace(1670)  
Skeeve commented 5 years ago

Final status: Seems somehow my atom installation is borken… Removin ~/.atom and installing linter-phpcs and its dependencies reveals no strange issues at all.