I have a MBP 15" retina running Atom 1.7.0-beta4 and 10.11.4.
The inline errors used to work but now they do not. They do work on my other MBP 13", though, with the same versions of Atom and OS.
The only difference that comes to mind it that the 15" we just uninstalled Node js and re-installed it using NVM, which of course changes the node path. Not sure if that is relevant.
The 15" (non-working) one has node 5.10.0 at ~/.nvm/versions/node/v5.10.0/bin/node and the older mac has node 4.4.0 at /usr/local/bin
On this Mac I also disabled jshint and jscs linters and installed linter-eslint and linter-js-standard. The linters work, show gutter error markers and status bar errors, but not inline popups.
I reported this to the linter package and they referred me here.
This is probably easiest to solve by simply using helpers.rangeFromLineNumber to highlight the entire line starting from the column given by scss-lint.
I have a MBP 15" retina running Atom 1.7.0-beta4 and 10.11.4.
The inline errors used to work but now they do not. They do work on my other MBP 13", though, with the same versions of Atom and OS.
The only difference that comes to mind it that the 15" we just uninstalled Node js and re-installed it using NVM, which of course changes the node path. Not sure if that is relevant.
The 15" (non-working) one has node 5.10.0 at ~/.nvm/versions/node/v5.10.0/bin/node and the older mac has node 4.4.0 at /usr/local/bin
On this Mac I also disabled jshint and jscs linters and installed linter-eslint and linter-js-standard. The linters work, show gutter error markers and status bar errors, but not inline popups.
I reported this to the linter package and they referred me here.