AtomLinter / linter-spell

Multilingual grammar-specific spell checking for Atom and linter using Ispell compatible interface such as GNU Aspell or Hunspell.
MIT License
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Spell Checker Communication Error #53

Open s-light opened 7 years ago

s-light commented 7 years ago

if i enable linter-spell i get a error message:

Spell Checker Communication Error
Unable to communicate with spell checker. Please verify your settings of linter-spell.
Error: read ECONNRESET

as spell pathi have set aspell if i check if aspell is available in my terminal it seems fine:

$ aspell -v
@(#) International Ispell Version 3.1.20 (but really Aspell 0.60.7-20110707)

this is the default install in my kubuntu 16.10 system. so i thought that this should work. do i have to do some other steps so linter-spell can find it/communicate with it?

Aerijo commented 7 years ago

I had a (sort of) similar error with hunspell. Try using the absolute path for aspell, rather than relying on it being able to find the program in your path.

s-light commented 7 years ago

I found my problem - the language selection for the document in the status bar was set to de-DE (the Automatic) - if i set it to en than it checks. would be good if it shows some sort of info that for the chosen document language there is no spell-checking available....

additionally for me currently it seems there is a bigger problem with the path option: if i remove the text from the path option i get the error

linter-spell: Dictionary request failed Call to hunspell failed with a code of null.

as soon as i delete the last char.

if i write something like aspell or abcdefgxyz i don't get any error messages. so i have no feedback if the path/program name is correct/found/accepted.

iam using atom 1.18.0 with linter-spell 0.15.0 on an linux kubuntu 17.04 64bit

additional related question - i have read that hunspell is used by firefox and libreoffice - i use both in my system - is it possible to use one of these hunspell installations / dictionaries? hunspell is not available in my default path.