Closed kevin-lee closed 7 months ago
Can you check if that build fixes it?
Can you check if that build fixes it?
@mallowigi It's the same.
Can you share your settings ?
Can you share your settings ?
@mallowigi Is the settings in material_theme_new.xml
yes please
<component name="MaterialThemeNewConfig">
<option name="accentState">
<option name="accentColorHex" value="6b9bfa" />
<option name="contrastState">
<option name="contrastMode" value="true" />
<option name="highContrast" value="true" />
<option name="customThemeState">
<option name="colorScheme" value="Kevin - Atom One Dark (Material) Bigger Font" />
<option name="featuresState">
<option name="centeredEditor" value="false" />
<option name="lightCustomThemeState">
<option name="colorScheme" value="Kevin - Atom One Dark (Material) Bigger Font" />
<option name="metadata">
<option name="pristineConfig" value="false" />
<option name="userId" value="..." />
<option name="wizardShown" value="true" />
<option name="tabsState">
<option name="activeBoldTab" value="true" />
<option name="highlightColorEnabled" value="true" />
<option name="highlightColorHex" value="3283e8" />
<option name="highlightThickness" value="5" />
<option name="tabHighlightPosition" value="Bottomless" />
<option name="tabHighlightPositionName" value="BOTTOMLESS" />
<option name="tabsHeight" value="24" />
<option name="themeState">
<option name="selectedThemeName" value="NATIVE" />
Just in case, I removed userId
and everything else untouched.
I still cannot reproduce. Do you have some time to connect by Slack?
After changing the font size, the buttons look unusual and uncoordinated.
Describe the bug
Buttons have excessive top and bottom margins
To Reproduce
Just check out the buttons
Expected behavior
Please check out the
buttons at the bottom.Expected: It's the button without Material Theme UI.
Actual: When Material Theme UI is enabled.
Material Theme Version
IntelliJ IDEA
System Info
No response