AtomMaterialUI / material-theme-issues

Issues Repository for the Material Theme UI plugin for JetBrains
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[Bug]: Issues with side panels and menu bar #528

Open drew887 opened 2 weeks ago

drew887 commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

For some reason the side panels and menu bar are stuck being weird colours. The actual code window and highlighting seems fine its just the side panel and menu bar are always the wrong colour when selecting a theme.

I've tried with auto reset on and off and strangely what colour it gets stuck on is different based on what project I have open. I've tried nuking the .idea folder after closing the ide and reopening but the issue remains and is the same colour so I'm not sure what/where else project specific config could be for the plugin.

The issue is also not limited to one ide, I have Phpstorm, Goland, Pycharm, Rider, and CLion for my work and they all have the same issue present. The colour they get stuck on is also the same per project. This also happened before updating phpstorm to 2024.1.4 Build #PS-241.18034.69, but is still present after updating to that version. (I didn't get the version before updating today assuming that the update would hopefully fix the issue)

I have had this issue happen once before, right after I upgraded to the paid version of the plugin, however that time was fixed by simply enabling the auto reset color scheme option, which this time seems to have not fixed it :shrug:

To Reproduce

I am not sure how to reproduce, all I did was open the ide today and the issue is present. Was fine yesterday, it's just today that it's all wonky. Opening any project old or new on this machine causes the symptoms.

Expected behavior

Colours change with the selected theme

Material Theme Version



PHPStorm, Rider, PyCharm, Other (AppCode, CLion, GoLang...)

System Info

PhpStorm 2024.1.4
Build #PS-241.18034.69, built on June 21, 2024
Licensed to Andrew Mcdonald
Subscription is active until July 26, 2024.
Runtime version: 17.0.11+1-b1207.24 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
Linux 5.15.0-25-generic
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
Memory: 4000M
Cores: 20
Non-Bundled Plugins:
  org.toml.lang (241.17011.8)
  com.jetbrains.darkPurpleTheme (1.3)
  IdeaVIM (2.13.1)
  com.arcticicestudio.nord.jetbrains (0.13.0)
  dev.thull.polar (1.0.5)
  com.intellij.kubernetes (241.18034.4)
  com.chrisrm.idea.MaterialThemeUI (9.3.1)
  com.mallowigi (97.0.0)
Current Desktop: i3


Here's volcano on an example project in phpstorm volcano but blue

Here's volcano on a private project (certain details blocked out with red to hide work related stuff) PHPSTORM-material-volcano_PRIVATE_PROJECT_stuck-blue And here's that same project but swapped to material sandy beach PHPSTORM-material-sandy-beach_PRIVATE_PROJECT_stuck-lavender

mallowigi commented 2 weeks ago

Is it happening on the latest version or is it in all versions?

drew887 commented 2 weeks ago

It was present on the version I had before 2024.1.4, and it is still present now in 2024.1.4 for all the tools that I use:

I don't have the version I was on before 2024.1.4 as I foolishly assumed the issue was caused by me being out of date, it was only after it was still present post updating that I thought to grab version numbers for a bug report.

mallowigi commented 1 week ago

I see you're using Linux. It could be an issue with the Linux build. Can you turn off the "Colorize Title Bar" and see if it reproduces?

drew887 commented 1 week ago

Hey that worked! With all 4 options off it now looks correct. Thank you so much!

EDIT: Confirmed it works with all 5 of the ide's I use as long as those the colorize options are off


mallowigi commented 1 week ago

Yeah, that's what I thought... This issue happened in the past, and I fixed it, but it looks like they changed the selectors again or something, and of course, just in Linux.

I'll try to reproduce the issue myself as soon as I can find a Linux machine

mallowigi commented 4 days ago

I am on Ubuntu right now, 2024.1 and I am not able to reproduce...

drew887 commented 3 days ago

I don't know what to tell ya there, I'm on Ubuntu as well, 2024.1.4 and toggling the Colorize options on and off consistently brings back and then fixes this issue.

Off, looks correct


On, broken


mallowigi commented 3 days ago

Could it be some other setting? Can you try with factory defaults and tell me if it reproduces? IF you're using JetBrains Toolbox, you can switch the configuration folder easily as it sets a property in the vmoptions.