AtomicFrontierCode / keyboards

Simulated annealing code for video
MIT License
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Numeric/Symbolic Lock Feature(s) #16

Open Da1NOnlyCheezIt opened 6 months ago

Da1NOnlyCheezIt commented 6 months ago

Moving understood keys, such as 1-9, can effectively lower efficiency due to real-world factors, rather than a cpu bias, is there a way this code can be updated to say, lock the top row and continue randperm-ing the other keys? all major keyboards have this layout reguardless of alpha keying, and i think it would be neat to apply this real-world. This could be in a config file elsewhere as a t-f or just in the code for people who want to change that. Thanks

Da1NOnlyCheezIt commented 6 months ago

18 Has a solution to this issue.